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S.B. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THE MONTH OF <br />NOVEMBER 2013, AS NATIONAL RUNAWAY PREVENTION MONTH <br />Commissioner Zorc read and presented the Proclamation to Sabrina Barnes, Executive <br />Director, and Frank Avilla, Adoptions Marketing Specialist, Children's Home Society of Florida, <br />Treasure Coast Division. Mr. Avilla discussed the Home Society's goals, and mentioned that the <br />Green Light Project Initiative will be taking place throughout the month of November to raise <br />awareness about this issue. <br />S.C. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING THE MONTH OF <br />NOVEMBER 2013, AS NATIONAL ADOPTIONAWARENESS MONTH <br />Commissioner Flescher read and presented the Proclamation to Sabrina Barnes, <br />Executive Director, and Frank Avilla, Adoptions Marketing Specialist, Children's Home Society <br />of Florida, Treasure Coast Division. Ms. Barnes advised that in Building B of the County <br />Administration Building, there is a photo gallery of children needing homes, and that further <br />information is available at 772-344-4020 or at <br />S.D. PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION DESIGNATING NOVEMBER 24 <br />THROUGH NOVEMBER 30, 2013 AS RELIGIOUS FREEDOM WEEK IN <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY <br />Commissioner Solari read the Proclamation to the assembly, and remarked on the <br />gratitude that all County residents feel for their rights as American citizens. <br />Commissioner Flescher noted that there was no specific recipient of the Proclamation, it <br />was meant for all the citizens to share. <br />November 19, 2013 4 <br />OK 114 PG 593 <br />