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10.B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />10.B.1. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROM REVEREND WILLIAM MOSLEY AND BILL <br />RIGBY, GIFFORD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL <br />Bill Rigby, 8465 59th Avenue, and Reverend William Mosley, 4415 27th Avenue, <br />addressed the Board conjointly. <br />Reverend Mosley, Chairman, Gifford Economic Development Council (GEDC), <br />commented on the economic disparity that is rampant in America. In order to improve the <br />economic climate in Gifford, he sought to move oversight of the Enterprise Zone Development <br />Agency (EZDA) to the GEDC; to offer job training in the neighborhood; to use local labor for <br />improvement projects; and to have the community involved with securing/overseeing grants. He <br />also: (1) inquired about $350,000 that was formerly donated by the Minority Business Funds of <br />Palm Beach County as a match with the County for an economic development project (which he <br />does not believe occurred) in the Gifford community; (2) requested that the Board support local <br />small businesses, including his enterprise which sells computer tablet harnesses; and (3) asked <br />the Board to respond to his proposal in ten days. <br />County Administrator Joseph Baird stated that he would seek information on the <br />aforementioned $350,000 allocation. <br />Commissioners O'Bryan and Zorc provided information to Reverend Mosley about the <br />Research Coast Principium Foundation which gives small business owners the chance to present <br />their ideas to venture capitalists who might assist them with funding. <br />Discussion ensued between Commissioner Solari, non-voting Commissioner Liaison to <br />the Enterprise Zone Development Agency, and Reverend Mosley, about the Enterprise Zone. <br />Commissioner Solari noted that there have been some misunderstandings, and suggested that <br />Reverend Mosley attend the next meeting of the EZDA, at which he will arrange for a <br />presentation to be given regarding its statutory purpose and structure. <br />November 19, 2013 16 <br />BIC 144 PG 605 <br />