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1 <br />• �a <br />fl <br />The Board then re -convened in regular session. <br />Commissioner Hamilton, Commissioner Waddell and Road and Bridge Superintendent <br />'E. E. Carter were appointed as a committee to follow through on the caution light for the <br />f road intersection at Wabasso. It was decided that the County.would pay the cost of installa- <br />tion and others to pay -for the cost of maintenance and operation. d <br />The Coroner's verdict in the matter of the death of Joe Russell was received <br />and filed by Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />On December 2, 1952, the Board allocated all unbudgeted Race Track Funds to <br />;.the Road and Bridge Fund for the construction of concrete bridges on secondary roads in the <br />:County. This action'was amended on Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Hamilton and carried, and Douglas Baker, Clerk, was instructed to place $2600.00 surplus <br />,,Race Tract Funds recently receive ii& the General Revenue Fund which would be needed in making Ej <br />future expenditures relating to the items in the amended budget. <br />Mr. Paul Robertson, representing the Farm Bureau, and firs. Claude Smith,•Chair- p <br />.man of the Farm Bureau's Ladies Activities Committee together with -members, Mrs. Gilbert E. <br />ii <br />Smith, Mrs. L. S. Gollnick, Mrs. Hettie Young, Mrs, Paul Robertson, Mrs. Carrie G. Woodland, i. <br />Mrs. and•Mr. Dudley Clyatt and Ed Poe, Secretary of the Farm Bureau, were also present together" <br />':with Mrs. Annie Mae Sykes, State Home Demonatration Agent from Tallahassee. i+ <br />A request for a home demonstration agent in Indian River County was formally {. <br />made by Mr. Robertson -in which the Ladies .Activities Committee concurred and Mr.s. Sykes jl <br />;recited some of the needs and aims of the program. Upon inquiry she informed the Board the 1! <br />cost to:,the county would be $3600.00 for the Agent, plus secretarial service, plus office <br />L <br />space, <br />o action was taken in the matter, however,' Chairman Graves 'ad'v'ised all inter- i' <br />ested parties tiat the Board would consider their request i:n connection with ,the 1953-1954 bud-' <br />get. <br />xr; <br />'j E. Carter reported as to the number of feet of rope required for Wabasso <br />'i Beach and also a�is',to the piling and stated that both the rope and the ilia was being donated <br />i <br />P� 9 P p� g � g <br />for this project.. On motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts and <br />carried it was decided that the Board would pay for having the ropes and piling installed at <br />Wabasso Beach, <br />On page 276, County Commissioner's Minute Book 4, the Bowd agreed to provide <br />it <br />'oney25 a on d of land e aa x lease for the Child Rehabilitation Home. On Motion of Commissioner <br />a <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, it was decided to lease two acres in <br />lieu of the onel�and that $1,000.00 be placed in the 1953-1954 Budget for salary for the <br />Superintendent of the Home, <br />Chairman Graves said he would provide a building for the Home'and on Motion <br />°of Commissioner.Warren, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton'iand carried, Mr.`E, E. Carter was <br />'1 <br />instructed and authorized to have marl hauled to, to be selected and, to move the <br />building from Mr. Graves grove to the selected site. f <br />f, <br />Chairman Graves announced that Marcel A. Boudet had been appointed as Juvenile <br />:Court Counselor effective July 1, 1953. <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County.'Welfare Case.,Worker, appeared before the Board <br />and made•a report bf.her activities for the Month of June. Said report was received and <br />'`filed with the Clerk. <br />Sheriff L. B. 0.'Steen advised the Board the power mower used on the jail lawn <br />was about worn out and that they needed a new one. A Committee consisting of L. B. O'Steen, - <br />`,Sheriff, -E. E. Carter, -Road and Bridge Superintendent and Commissioner Warren were appointed <br />