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facility, the property would revert to the County . He also revealed that there was nothing in the <br /> deed about sharing the proceeds, should the County sell the property at such time . <br /> Commissioners Solari, Wheeler, and Flescher outlined their objections to the suggestion <br /> to share with the City the proceeds from the pending sale of the surplus property . Discussion <br /> points 'included : ( 1 ) the lack of information regarding how much value, if any, the improvements <br /> made by the City would add to the surplus property; (2) the example of renters who invest in <br /> making improvements during their tenancy, for which they receive no recompense ; and (3 ) for <br /> consistency, if the County was to share the proceeds with the City, the City ' s lessees who make <br /> improvements should be entitled to the same break proposed for the City. <br /> Administrator Baird acknowledged that the recommendation for splitting the proceeds <br /> was his ideas he was trying to build a cooperative relationship with all the municipalities . <br /> ON MOTION by Commissioner Solari, SECONDED by <br /> Commissioner Flescher, the Board by a 44 vote <br /> (Commissioner Davis opposed) , declared as surplus, the <br /> property located at 1725 17'h Avenue ("Old Jail <br /> Property"), and approved to sell said property by auction <br /> or sealed bid. <br /> 12 . , DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS <br /> 12.A. COMMUNITYDEyELOPMENT - NONE <br /> 12. B. EEMERGENCYSERYICES - NONE <br /> 12. C. GENERAL SERyICES - NONE <br /> 12.D. HUMANRESOURCES - NONE <br /> M. <br /> 4, 4 <br /> � S 4 3 PG 1126 <br /> 4 ' <br /> November 6, 2012 1 14 <br />