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ON MOTION by Commissioner Solari , SECONDED by <br /> Vice Chairman Davis, the Board unanimously directed <br /> staff to place this item on the December 18 , 2012 Agenda <br /> for public discussion and vote. <br /> IO. B. 4. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROM Toms WILLIAMS REGARDING CODE <br /> ENFORCEMENTACTIVITY/DEMOLITION OFSTRUCTURES <br /> Tobias Williams, 2291 SE Braddock Street, Port St. Lucie, provided history regarding <br /> code enforcement activities and the demolition of his two structures, located at 303 SW 81' <br /> Avenue and 319 SW 8t' Avenue. After the structures had been demolished, he realized that <br /> since the Tax Collectors Office was using an incorrect address of 2295 SW Braddock Street, he <br /> had not been receiving correspondence from either Code Enforcement regarding the liens, nor <br /> the Building Department regarding demolition. Mr. Williams believed that if his correct address <br /> had been used, this situation would not have occurred. He said he still has a lien of about $9, 800 <br /> for demolition, and requested it be waived. <br /> Commissioner Solari, recognizing that errors had been made, suggested Mr. Williams <br /> meet with the County Attorney and Administrator to decide how the errors occurred so they can <br /> be corrected, and to decide what can be done about the liens . <br /> Community Development Director Bob Keating provided background and acknowledged <br /> that staff had been following the correct procedures throughout the process . He described the <br /> actions that had been taken on the properties, acknowledged that staff had used the official <br /> address from the Property Appraiser' s office to send certified correspondence, and clarified that <br /> the Notice was posted on the property in August of 2011 — with demolition in July of 2012 . He <br /> also told the Board that Mr. Williams was aware that the process was taking place, and that the <br /> liens against him were substantial . <br /> December 4, 2012 16 1 ` 43 PG 225 <br /> chi <br /> l <br />