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Attorney Polackwich explained why it would make sense to change the archaic 298 <br /> districts to a modern day 189 type of district. He also clarified that Mr. O ' Haire represented the <br /> Sebastian River Water Control District when it changed to 189 and became an Improvement <br /> District. He said there is a significant expansion of the Water Control District' s authority, and <br /> thereafter listed the expansions of authority. He stressed that if the intent is to follow the <br /> Sebastian River model, the Board would need to understand that this would be changing from a <br /> very limited to a much broader authorization. <br /> MOTION WAS MADE by Vice Chairman Davis, <br /> SECONDED by Chairman Flescher, to direct the County <br /> Attorney to send a letter of support to the Legislative <br /> Delegation, as requested in the memorandum dated <br /> December 3 , 2012 . <br /> Commissioner O ' Bryan opposed the motion. He understood the concerns of wanting to <br /> improve the roads, but found that dealing with other Water Control Districts was very frustrating <br /> because of the lack of responsiveness to the general public. He said it is hard to find out who <br /> their directors are; believed it would give them very broad powers ; and felt that if the goal is to <br /> fix roads, that it could be accomplished separately. <br /> The Chairman CALLED THE QUESTION, by a 4- 1 vote <br /> (Commissioner O ' Bryan opposed), the Motion carried. <br /> 12 . DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS <br /> I Z.A. COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT - NONE <br /> I Z. B. EMERGENCYSERVICES - NONE <br /> December 4, 2012 . 21 ' <br /> ._ 143 PG 210 <br />