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15.B.4. REQUEST TO APPLY TO THE FLORIDA GREEN BUILDING COALITION <br />(FGBC) FOR GREEN LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECERTIFICATION <br />Director Burke stated that on March 5, 2009, the County received gold level certification <br />as a Florida Green Local Government through the Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC), and <br />that the designation will expire on March 4, 2014. He noted that the County saved almost <br />$700,000 from energy upgrades that were made in the 2008-2009 time period, and provided <br />background and analysis on staffs recommendation to move ahead with the recertification <br />process at a cost of $5,000. <br />(Clerk's Note: On October 2, 2007, the Board approved Resolution 2007-134, <br />authorizing application to the Florida Green Building Coalition for certification as a Florida <br />Green Local Government). <br />Commissioner Solari deemed that there have been no tangible benefits to justify the <br />$5,000 reapplication fee, and that he has not heard anything about this initiative since the <br />original certification process was completed. <br />Director Burke stated that the FGBC recertification process will be a means for the <br />County to memorialize the various efforts made by the County to become greener. He noted <br />that the green local government designation is also desirable for marketing purposes and to foster <br />community pride. <br />Vice Chairman Davis observed that he would like to see the green local government <br />designation yield the same type of benefits that the County derives from membership in various <br />other organizations. <br />Jeremy Nelson, Florida Green Building Coalition, provided a brief overview on the ways <br />in which FGBC can help counties achieve the green government standard. <br />February 11, 2014 2 <br />SWDD <br />