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14.E. COMMISSIONER TIMZORC <br />14.E.1. CONSIDERATION FOR OFFICE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR ELECTED STATE <br />OFFICIALS AT THE COUNTY'S ADMINISTRATION COMPLEX <br />(Clerks Note: This item was heard following Item 13.B, and is placed here for <br />continuity). <br />Commissioner Zorc noted that the Grand Opening of Congressman Bill Posey's Vero <br />Beach Office in the County Administration Building (Building A) is on February 19, 2013. He <br />stated that he had sought and received confirmation from Senator Joe Negron, Senator Thad <br />Altman, and Secretary of State Kurt Browning that they, too, would find it beneficial to have <br />office space here, and asked whether there is any location within the Administration Building to <br />accommodate the state officials. <br />Individual Board Members expressed their support for Commissioner Zorc's proposal. It <br />was determined that two possible locations for offices are the law library in the Board of County <br />Commission office, and the space in the County Administrator's office formerly occupied by <br />Assistant County Admimstrator Michael Zito. The Board also proposed that the officials stagger <br />their occupancy times, so they can share one office space. <br />Vice Chairman Davis suggested that the Commissioner Assistants check with the <br />officials to ascertain what their needs are. <br />Administrator Baird affirmed that the County would find space for the officials. <br />Chairman Flescher advocated mamtaimng the library space for the use of the <br />Commissioners and staff if possible, and wanted to explore additional options for locating the <br />proposed office. <br />BK 1` 4 3 PG 464 <br />February 5, 2013 27 <br />