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Commissioner Zorc stated that he had provided staff a map of the thirty-two railroad <br />crossings for review and analysis of crossing conditions, to see what mitigations might need to <br />be made. <br />Commissioner Flescher noted that Rusty Roberts, Vice President of Corporate <br />Development for Florida East Coast Railway, had formerly addressed the MPO and would be <br />readdressing the agency in response to questions that had been raised at the meeting. <br />Chairman O'Bryan mentioned that he had heard that AAF might need to use a "sealed <br />corridor" to facilitate the high speeds needed, and that the requirements for doing that would <br />satisfy the noise mitigation. He thanked Mr. Gruber for sharing his knowledge and encouraged <br />his participation in the MPO meetings. <br />No Board Action Required or Taken <br />10.B.2. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROM GIFFORD ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT <br />REGARDING FOLLOW-UP ON GIFFORD ISSUES <br />Reverend William Mosley, Acting Executive Director and Chairman of Gifford <br />Economic Development Council, Inc. (the Council), addressed the Board about economic <br />inequality and poverty, with a focus on the Gifford, Wabasso, and Oslo Road areas. He <br />requested that the Board help advance economic development by making the County's <br />communication with core communities more effective, and by holding tutorials about the <br />County's procurement policies, so residents know how to respond to the County's requests for <br />bids on services and projects. <br />A lengthy discussion followed. Main topics were the Black Minority Business Fund <br />loan, the procurement workshop that was sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce in February <br />2014; and the need for the County to disseminate information promptly, so residents can be <br />apprised of meetings or job opportunities. <br />March 4, 2014 15 <br />