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the County, to become effective at the start of the next <br /> fiscal year (October 1 , 2012) , if conceptually approved by <br /> the Board and the Fellsmere City Council, all as stated and <br /> recommended in the memorandum of March 27, 2012 . <br /> 14 . COMMISSIONER ITEMS <br /> 14.A. COMMISSIONER GARY C. WHEELER, CHAIRMAN - NONE <br /> 14. 8. COMMISSIONER PETER D. O 'BRYAN, VICE CHAIRMAN - NONE <br /> 14. C. COMMISSIONER WESLEYS. DAVIS - NONE <br /> 14. D. COMMISSIONER JOSEPH E. FLESCHER - NONE <br /> 14. E. COMMISSIONER BOB SOLARI <br /> 14. E. 1 . FLORIDA BUILDING CODE <br /> Commissioner Solari read a segment of a letter from a homeowner who had updated his <br /> air conditioning system and incurred additional costs for an unnecessary inspection that was <br /> mandated by the updated Florida Building Code that went into effect on March 15 , 2012 . He <br /> declared that this is an example of an irrational and unnecessary Code provision. <br /> 15 . SPECIAL DISTRICTS AND BOARDS <br /> 15.A. EMERGENCY SER VICES DISTRICT - NONE <br /> 15. B. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL DISTRICT <br /> BK 142 PG 290 <br /> April 3 , 2012 27 <br />