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Commissioner Zorc asked staff to consider creating a business zoning neighborhood <br />overlay that would draw small neighborhood stores and services back to Gifford. He suggested <br />that staff consider provisions that would allow a small store, such as Mosley Grocery, to <br />reestablish what they had without having to re -comply with all the requirements, should a <br />hurricane destroy the building. He said he would meet with Director Keating to discuss and <br />share ideas regarding potential zoning. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Solari, SECONDED <br />by Chairman Flescher, the Board unanimously <br />directed staff to coordinate with the Progressive Civic <br />League of Gifford, interested residents and other <br />interested organizations, to update the Gifford <br />Neighborhood Plan, as recommended in the <br />memorandum of May 15, 2013. <br />The Chairman called for a break at 10:30 a.m., and reconvened the meeting at 10:42 <br />a.m., with all members present. <br />12.B. EMERGENCY SERVICES - NONE <br />12. C. GENERAL SERVICES - NONE <br />12.D. HUMAN RESOURCES - NONE <br />12.E. HUMAN SERVICES - NONE <br />12. F. LEISURE SERVICES - NONE <br />May 21, 2013 12 <br />BX 1143 PG 8(2 <br />