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4. ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE AGENDA/EMERGENCY ITEMS . <br /> Chairman Solari requested the following changes to today ' s Agenda: <br /> ADDITION.' ITEM 12. D. 1 . UPDATE BY HUMAN RESO URGES DIRECTOR JAMES SEXTON ON <br /> EFFECTS OF SENATE BILL 2100 ON THE FLORIDA RETIREMENT SYSTEM (FRS) EMPLOYEE <br /> PENSION PLANS <br /> ON MOTION by Commissioner O ' Bryan, SECONDED <br /> by Commissioner Davis , the Board unanimously approved <br /> the Agenda as amended . <br /> 5. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS <br /> (Clerk 's Note : This action followed Item S. A . , and is placed here for continuity) . • <br /> Chairman Solari recognized Eagle Scout Joe Granburg, and fellow scouts from Troop <br /> 567 , who were in attendance to work on their merit badges . <br /> Commissioner Davis invited the scouts to take a more in-depth tour of the County <br /> Administration complex and operations . <br /> S.A. PRESENTATION ON HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS BY .JOHN KING. <br /> DIRECTOR, INDIAN RIVER CouNTYEMERGENCYSER TVICES DEPARTMENT <br /> Emergency Services Director John King relayed the prediction of the National <br /> Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that the 2011 Hurricane Season, <br /> commencing June 1 and ending November 30 , would be an active one . He gave a PowerPoint <br /> presentation (copy on file) , outlining the importance of planning ahead with emergency and 10 <br /> June 21 , 2011 2 141 PG 0 3 8 <br />