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• Administrator Baird apologized, explaining why staff had not been able to provide the <br /> information to the Commissioners sooner. <br /> Himanshu Mehta, Managing Director Solid Waste Disposal District, reviewed his June <br /> 10 , 2011 memorandum to present an overview on Phase I of a Waste/Gas to Energy Project, <br /> wherein the County will supply feedstock (vegetative waste) and landfill gas to INEOS New <br /> Planet BioEnergy, LLC (INPB) , for the manufacture of power and ethanol . He outlined the <br /> terms of the 20-year renewable Feedstock Supply Agreement, provided a financial analysis <br /> (pages 100 through 103 of the Agenda Packet), and relayed that the INPB center would become <br /> one of the County ' s designated debris collection sites after a storm. Director Mehta said that the <br /> project represents the first commercial demonstration of this technology in the nation, and would <br /> produce eight million gallons of ethanol per year and generate six megawatts of electricity . <br /> Director Mehta affirmed the project would bring economic and environmental benefits, jobs, and <br /> increased tax revenues , and proffered staff' s recommendation for the Board, upon final direction <br /> • of the County Attorney, to approve and authorize the Chairman to sign the attached Feedstock <br /> Supply Agreement with INEOS . <br /> Discussion ensued, wherein Board members questioned Director Mehta on specific <br /> elements of the project, and Budget and Management Director Jason Brown addressed a question <br /> about the fees for ash. <br /> David King, President, INEOS New Planet BioEnergy, 4107 Delta Wood Court, <br /> Houston, through a PowerPoint presentation (copy on file) , provided a status update of the <br /> Indian River BioEnergy Center, which is currently under construction and expected to be <br /> mechanically complete by the second half of 2012 . He said that having in the County a <br /> showcase for bioenergy technology would be a significant economic and environmental driver, <br /> creating an expanded tax base, educational opportunities , and a more productive use of landfill <br /> gasses . He relayed that INPB has received all the key state and federal permits , calculated that <br /> • <br /> June 21 , 2011 3 BK 14 1 PG 0 6 <br />