<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, said he had contacted the South Florida Flood
<br />Control District regarding aid to exterminating the hyacinths in the Sebastian River, and that
<br />they agreed to furnish the 2-4 D used in the extermination. He said he also contacted the
<br />Fish and Game Commission and they said they would furnish the Boat and equipment. Indian
<br />River County will furnish the fuel oil to be mixed with the 2-4 D.
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, stated that he had nothing as yet to,report
<br />In the Johnnie Jones matter,
<br />Mr. Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and stated he
<br />wanted the Board's approval on an adjustment of taxes for Mattie Lou Hinton Knight, Upon
<br />Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren andcarried, the adjustment
<br />was approved.
<br />Mr. H. E. Kjorsvik appeared before the Board stating he would like $307.31 per
<br />0 acre for the right-of-way strip that the State wants for U. S. 91. After discussion and
<br />1
<br />1
<br />0
<br />upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried it was agreed
<br />to accept the stip on an acreage price of $307.31 an acre as requested.
<br />Ilk
<br />Published'; Weekly Z
<br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida -
<br />I
<br />i, i The Board of County Commissioners
<br />STATE OF FLORIDA of radian River County, Florida, will,
<br />We feel that your committee, composed of Messrs. Wadell and Warren, were satisfied with our
<br />replies to the above complaints. However, for the record, we would like to answer them point
<br />by point, herein.
<br />Item 1 above - was answered by leaving with you a copy of the State Forester's Time Off Sche-
<br />dule, dated March 19, 1951. It was pointed out that this Policy was in. effect in thirty-five
<br />other Counties currently under protection. Also mentioned was the fact that our non -fire
<br />season schedule consisted of two days standby one week end and three days completely off the
<br />following week end, which you agreed was a generous arrangement.
<br />Item 2 above - was disproved by showing you a copy of Mr. Dempsey's resignation dated November
<br />21, 1953. We can a the this
<br />produce photostat of original of resignation should there be
<br />further question.
<br />Item 3 above - was answered by the fact that there are two people in the Indian River County
<br />crew of six which are not from Indian River County. County Ranger Leavine is one of these
<br />two, and he is there because no one else in the unit had sufficient knowledge and experience
<br />to head up the unit. Mr. W. F. Hooker is the other man who was moved in after five different
<br />local citizens declined the position he holds.
<br />With reference to Item 4 above, find attached a copy of our -approved
<br />please salary scale which
<br />became effective �:ugusi 1, 1952, and is in use throughout our Department at the present time.
<br />The Indian River County personnel salaries,are in accordance with this salary scale.
<br />We have enjoyed the close cooperation which your Board has extended to us in the past. Our
<br />-the
<br />principal aim is to be of the most service possible to citizens of Indian River County
<br />within the limits of our means. We invite constructive suggestions and criticisms from your
<br />Board
<br />and assure you that they will receive prompt consideration as in this case.
<br />Sincerel y yours,
<br />SJ Henry C. Peeples
<br />Henry C. Peeples,
<br />District Forester
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, said he had contacted the South Florida Flood
<br />Control District regarding aid to exterminating the hyacinths in the Sebastian River, and that
<br />they agreed to furnish the 2-4 D used in the extermination. He said he also contacted the
<br />Fish and Game Commission and they said they would furnish the Boat and equipment. Indian
<br />River County will furnish the fuel oil to be mixed with the 2-4 D.
<br />Sherman N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, stated that he had nothing as yet to,report
<br />In the Johnnie Jones matter,
<br />Mr. Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and stated he
<br />wanted the Board's approval on an adjustment of taxes for Mattie Lou Hinton Knight, Upon
<br />Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren andcarried, the adjustment
<br />was approved.
<br />Mr. H. E. Kjorsvik appeared before the Board stating he would like $307.31 per
<br />0 acre for the right-of-way strip that the State wants for U. S. 91. After discussion and
<br />1
<br />1
<br />0
<br />upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried it was agreed
<br />to accept the stip on an acreage price of $307.31 an acre as requested.
<br />Ilk
<br />Published'; Weekly Z
<br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida -
<br />I
<br />i, i The Board of County Commissioners
<br />STATE OF FLORIDA of radian River County, Florida, will,
<br />