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5.A. OVERVIEW OF THE FLORIDA INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT 'S DREDGED <br /> MATERIAL MANAGEMENT AREA IR4 CONSTRUCTION PROJECT AT 9910 <br /> US HIGHWAY I <br /> Chief of Environmental Planning Roland DeBlois, through a PowerPoint Presentation <br /> (copy on file ) provided background history and an overview of a joint Federal project between <br /> the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) and the U . S . Army Corps of Engineers <br /> (USACOE) , for construction of Dredged Material Management Area IR-2 (DMMA IR- 2) at <br /> 9910 US Highway 1 (formerly Vickers Grove) . He displayed the boundaries of the project, <br /> provided details on the site , and reported that it would service the materials management area <br /> known as Dredging Reach 1 of the Intercoastal Waterway (IWW) . He noted that as a Federal <br /> initiative , the project is exempt from local permitting, and confirmed that the site is reflected in <br /> the County ' s updated Comprehensive Plan . <br /> Discussion followed, with input from Attorney Polackwich, with regards to the County ' s <br /> lack of regulatory authority over this project. Board Members emphasized that it was important <br /> to have some means of fielding complaints and keeping lines of communication open with FIND <br /> and the USACOE . <br /> Responding to Commissioner Flescher ' s query , Chief DeBlois clarified that the County <br /> has issued a temporary use permit for a construction trailer office at the site , but no <br />permits <br /> would be issued as far as the dredging aspect of the project. <br /> S. B. PRESENTATION BY DAVID ROACH. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, FLORIDA <br /> INLAND NAVIGATION DISTRICT: DREDGED MATERIAL MANAGEMENT <br /> AREA IR-2 CONSTR UCTION PROJECT AT 9910 US HIGHWAY I <br /> David Roach , Executive Director, Florida Inland Navigation District, 1314 Marcinski <br /> Road, Jupiter, reported that the Dredged Material Management Area IR-2 was part of the <br /> June 7 , 2011 3 <br />