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.t <br /> GENERAL OVERVIEW SESSION — JOSEPH A. BAIRDi COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br /> County Administrator Joseph Baird, using a PowerPoint presentation (on file) , outlined <br /> the proposed 2012 -2013 budget and highlighted the major budget impacts. He announced that <br /> Li <br /> the proposed taxing fund budget is $252 , 135 ,490 , a reduction of $ 6 , 269 , 352 , or 2 . 4 % from the <br /> prior year. He said the overall tax roll is down 3 . 6%, which is a substantial decrease for the ad <br /> valorem taxpayers , and recalled that the Board of County Commissioners had voted to pay off <br /> the Land Acquisition Bonds early, which also helps the County ' s tax <br /> Y p y payers . He disclosed that <br /> since the economy ' s down-turn, 260 employees had been let go , which is about 27 % of the <br /> workforce ; and with this proposed budget, nine full -time positions will be eliminated, for a <br /> savings of about $ 620 , 000 . Administrator Baird conveyed that since the mid-year beach <br /> privatization, the County has saved roughly $ 163 , 000 , or 40% of the cost for beach maintenance . <br /> He reported that there would be no merit/step raises , and that the numbers of auto allowances <br /> and amounts had been reduced, for a savings of $ 35 , 820 . He revealed that Medicaid had been a <br /> major impact on the budget because of the State Legislature ' s mandate , so he estimated an <br /> increase of $ 793 , 436 , which will be taken out of the General Fund Balance . He related that <br /> $ 181 , 558 was saved in retirement contributions , and that health insurance reductions amounted <br /> to $ 300 , 960 . He also stated that the total taxing funds were down $ 6 . 7 million, a 4 . 7 % decrease ; <br /> and emphasized that the budget reductions would not have been possible without the support and <br /> cooperation of the Constitutional Officers . <br /> Administrator Baird anticipated that the Fund Reserve usage would be $ 1 . 8 million from <br /> the General Fund, and $ 2 . 5 million from the Emergency Services District . He said that there <br /> would be no millage increases except for the 0 . 1 % in the Land Acquisition Bond — 2004 <br /> _ Referendum . He reported that in the General Fund the taxes are down $ 1 , 579, 358 ; the M . S . T . U . <br /> is down $215 , 606 in collections , Emergency Services District is down $ 711 , 318 ; and by paying <br /> the Land Acquisition Bond off early, the County saved approximately $ 949 , 360 . <br /> 4j 75 <br /> July 18 , 2012 2 142 <br />