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asked the Board to provide him direction on filing a grievance against the State and seeking <br />remedy against DCF. <br />Chairman Flescher told Mr. Marsh that his plea is with the State, and no one on the Board <br />has the capacity to provide him with advice; however, he believed that Mr Marsh needed <br />documentation, and legal representation. He suggested that he meet with the Sheriff to see if law <br />enforcement can intervene. <br />Commissioner O'Bryan also felt that Mr. Marsh needed legal representation, and advised <br />him to contact the Judge to revoke the joint custody decision. He suggested that he call 211 for <br />referral information that will offer free legal advice. <br />Vice Chairman Davis asked Mr. Marsh to contact him after the meeting so he can provide <br />further contact information. <br />NO BOARD ACTION REQUIRED OR TAKEN <br />I0.B.2. REQUEST TO SPEAK FROM BARBARA HOFFMAN REGARDING <br />ATTRACTING BUSINESS <br />Barbara Hoffman, 736 18th Street, S W., voiced her concerns over unemployed <br />individuals in Indian River County, and asked that the Board attract more businesses that will <br />provide jobs to a large number of people. She felt that training needed to be provided so it will <br />lead to more secure jobs and decent salaries. <br />Chairman Flescher informed Ms. Hoffman that Indian River County has done more for <br />job enhancements in the past few years than in the past two decades - and to that he gave kudos <br />to the Economic Development Council, as well as the Chamber of Commerce. He also spoke <br />about the success stories of the companies that moved to this County. <br />NO BOARD ACTION REQUIRED OR TAKEN <br />July 9, 2013 9 IN 144 PG 065 <br />