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the charge for the tax abatement; and that the last 14 job grants were approved. He wanted there <br />to be a unified front, whereby the business community, the local government, and staff are <br />supportive and responsive. <br />Chairman Flescher thought that Commissioner Zorc's suggestions and welcome package <br />should be taken to the Economic Development Council (EDC). He too, voiced concerns over <br />confidentiality, noting that certain activities/endeavors could be misconstrued as ethically <br />questionable. <br />Commissioner Solari agreed with both Commissioners and suggested that during a <br />scheduled EDC meeting, available Commissioners could step in for a personal greeting to let the <br />visiting company know that this County Commission is open for business. <br />Helene Caseltine, Economic Development Director with the Chamber of Commerce, <br />commented in support of these suggestions. She liked the proclamation document that <br />Commissioner Zorc introduced, and felt it could be placed into a gift basket that is provided to <br />visitors, as long as it does not violate the confidentiality of the Sunshine Law. She conveyed that <br />clients from a recent meeting were very impressed that high-level individuals came out on short <br />notice to welcome them, and affirmed that it sends the message that this County is open for <br />business, that we are interested in your business and we want you here. She revealed that most <br />companies want confidentiality, and agreed that it would be more beneficial for the visiting <br />company to hear the compliments from a colleague. <br />Joseph Paladin, President of Black Swan Consulting, revealed that the first stop for a <br />new business considering a move to a new County is to contact the Chamber of Commerce to see <br />what they have to offer. He liked Commissioner Zorc's idea and thought it should be done <br />through the Chamber, as the County's representative. He also noted that personal meetings make <br />the biggest difference in the decision of moving to a new County. <br />July 9, 2013 <br />20 <br />BX 1'44 PG 076 <br />