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ON MOTION by Vice Chairman Wheeler, SECONDED <br /> by Commissioner Davis , by a 4-0 vote (Commissioner <br /> Flescher absent) , the Board approved staff to bring the <br /> proposed ordinance back to the Board, and authorized the <br /> County Attorney ' s Office to advertise for a Public Hearing <br /> to consider final adoption . <br /> The Chairman called a break at 11 : 16 a. m. , and reconvened the meeting at 11 : 26 a. m. , <br /> with all members present. <br /> B. B. QUASI4UDICIAL PROCEEDINGS <br /> Attorney Polackwich provided background regarding the Board ' s adoption and repeals of <br /> Resolution 2009- 004 . He said he brought this proposed resolution, along with the Board ' s <br /> suggested revisions to the language of the Quasi-Judicial Guidelines (pages 394 to 401 of the <br /> Agenda Packet) , back to the Board for adoption . He believed the adoption of the proposed <br /> resolution and guidelines will ensure that everyone involved in quasi judicial proceedings will <br /> have a clear understanding of how the proceedings will be conducted, reducing the likelihood of <br /> misunderstandings , errors, and legal challenges . He recommended the Board adopt the <br /> resolution, which repeals Resolution 2009- 004 and incorporates new guidelines . <br /> Commissioner O ' Bryan requested the word "contested," to be deleted under Pre- <br /> Hearing Matters , Item No . 1 . Notice to Commissioners , in the Quasi-Judicial Guidelines (page <br /> 396 of Agenda Packet) . He wanted notification on all quasi-judicial matters . <br /> Discussion ensued regarding controversial/contested issues, ex parte communication, and <br /> staff sending e-mail notifications, on all quasi judicial matters , to each Commissioner. <br /> Attorney Polackwich pointed out that the proposed guidelines do not prevent the Board <br /> from considering an uncontested quasi judicial matter on the Consent Agenda. <br /> September 6 , 2011 27 Bun 141 PG 3 21 <br />