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u <br />I <br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren and <br />carried, it was ordered that four cars of County owned rock which had been hauled away be <br />replaced. <br />Commissioner Warren and Attorney Smith were appointed as a committee to obtain <br />information from the Southern Bell Telephone Company as to the rental cost of automobile <br />radios for the Sheriff's Department and possibly for the Road & Bridge Department, and Douglas'. <br />Baker, Clerk was requested to furnish information as to the cost of purchasing and maintaining <br />the present radio equipment including long distance telephone calls f.orthe.s.heriff's office. <br />The Board authorized E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent to locate a <br />marl pit for the county and report back to the Board. <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker, made a report of her <br />activities for the Month of June and said report was filed with the Clerk..„ <br />Notary Public Bonds in the sum of $500.00 each were approved by Douglas Baker, <br />Clerk Circuit Court, as provided by law for the following: <br />Name Surety Company <br />Wanda Law American Surety Company <br />Roland ,Irnold American Fire and Casualty Company <br />Gerre King American Fire and Casualty Company <br />Mary C. Everett American Surety Company <br />J. W. Boring ' American Surety Company <br />R E S Q IL --U T I Q X --- Reactivating Fort Pierce Port <br />Upon Motion of Commissioner Watts, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried,, <br />the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />.WHEREAS, the Fort Pierce Port Authority has established a Marine Port in Fort <br />Pierce, Florida, which said Port constitutes the Marine Port for service n6t onl.y,of St. Lucie <br />County, in which it is located, but also in Indian River County adjoining; and, <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County is,,r,vitally <br />interested in the growth and development of said Port for tbge .purpose of obtaining ',equate <br />terminal facilities; and, a. <br />WHEREAS, said Port Authority has requested the Maritime Administration to make <br />an economic survey or study of said Port; Now, therefore, <br />B'E IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />Florida, that this Board does herewith respectfully request the Honorable Spessard L. Holland <br />and the Honorable George Smathers, United States Senators, and the Honorable Dwight L. Rogers, I, <br />Member of Congress, -to use their best efforts and the facilities of their offices to secure <br />the services of the Maritime ..dministration to make an economic survey or study of the Port <br />of Fort Pierce at the earliest possible date. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified`c,opies of this Resolution be forwarded <br />forthwith to the Honorable Spessard L, Holland. the Honorable George Smathers, and `the `Hon- <br />orable Dwight L. Rogers.. <br />I <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were <br />examined and fou* :6arrect...were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such <br />,bills and accounts'. being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the warrants <br />