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0 <br />0 <br />r� <br />1 <br />0 <br />essary expenditures under such items for the current fiscal year; and <br />WHEREAS, there is a deficiency in funds necessary to provide for the proper <br />and authorized expenditures under some items in said Road C Bridge Fund; and <br />WHEREAS, said items mentioned are a part of the same fund and the transfer <br />from one item to another item in the same fund and is not a transfer from one fund to another <br />fund; and therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED that there is herewith transferred the sum.of $5,875.00 from <br />some items where there is a surplus to the items where there is a d6ficiency, according to <br />detailed statement attached, all in the Road C Bridge Fund of the current budget of Indian <br />River County, as provided by law. <br />Item to Item Transfers <br />EXPENDITURES <br />A/C <br />NO.. Name <br />415. Salary Road & Bridge-Free:Labor <br />422. Maintenance of Equipment <br />432, Bridge Materials <br />452. Road Right of Way <br />TL From <br />4,300.00 <br />1,400.00 <br />175.00 <br />TOTAL $5,875.00 $5,875.00 <br />R E S 0 L U T I.0 N -- Item to Item Transfers <br />On Motion of Commissioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, <br />the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />WHEREAS, there is a total surplus of $15.00 in the Capital Outlay Fund of <br />Indian River County under some items and which surplus exists after the payment of all nec- <br />essary expenditures under such items for the current fiscal year; and <br />WHEREAS, there is a deficiency in funds necessary to provide for the proper <br />and authorized expenditures under some items in said Capital Outlay Fund; and <br />WHEREAS, said items mentioned are a part of the same fund and the transfer <br />from one item to another item in the same fund and is not a transfer from one fund to another <br />fund; and therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED that there is herewith transferred the sum of $15.00 from some <br />items where there is a surplus to the items where there. is a deficiency, according to detailed <br />statement attached, all in the Capital Outlay Fund of the current budget of Indian River <br />County, as provided by law. <br />Item to Item Transfers <br />02 <br />A/C <br />na& Name TA From <br />362. Other Expense 15.00 <br />699. Contingencies 15.00 <br />TOTAL $15.00 $15.00 <br />The seperal bills apd:accounts against the County, having been audited, were <br />examined -and found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such <br />bills and accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the warrants <br />