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• <br />1 <br />0 <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal pre- <br />perty, from each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed Intangible Personal <br />Property Assessments Roll, the taxes set down in each roll opposite each name of person, <br />firm or corporation therein described, and in case taxes so imposed are not paid at the time <br />prescribed by law, you are to collect the same by levy and sale of goods and chattels, lands <br />and tenements to the person, firm or taxes; and all sums collected for the <br />State taxes you are to pay to the State Treasurer at such time as may be required by law; and <br />you are further required to make all collections on or before the first Monday in April; and <br />on or before the first Monday in July you will make a final report to and settlement with the <br />Comptrdller and County Commissioners. <br />Given under my hand and seal this 11th day of October, in the year it. D., 1954. <br />Homer C. Fletcher <br />Assessor of Taxes, Indian River County <br />October 4, 1954 <br />Honorable Board of County Commissioners <br />Indian River County <br />Vero Beach, Florida <br />Gentlemen: <br />We have in our files a two thousand dollar performance Bond submitted by J. J. <br />Brotman on Unit No. 2 of Paradise Park Subdivision dated June 2, 1954. The plat of this <br />subdivision was filed June 8, 1954 and the bond was for the purpose of insuring the County as <br />to "installation of culverts and other necessary drainage facilities". <br />This is to advise that all work has been completed satisfactorily on this subdivision <br />and that the said bond should be released by action of the Board. <br />Very truly yours, <br />a e <br />sl E. E. Carter <br />E. E. Carter <br />Road C Bridge Supt. <br />Upon the foregoing recommendation of E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent, <br />and upon motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried, Douglas <br />Baker, Clerk was authorized and instructed to release the said performance bond. <br />October 4, 1954 <br />Honorable Board of Commissioners <br />Indian River County <br />Vero Beach, Florida <br />Re: Citrus Gardens Sub'd <br />Gentlemen: <br />This is to advise that the street and drainage work has been completed satisfactorily <br />to this department on Citrus Gardens Subdivision, located at the corner of Clemanns Ave. and <br />Glendale. <br />A cash bond in the nature of a certified check was filed with the Clerk by the <br />developer's Agent, J. W. Boring of Merriman, Boring and Sutherland, to permit filing of the <br />record plat. This bond should be returned on proper action by your Board. <br />Very truly yours, <br />sl E. E. Carter <br />E..E. Carter <br />Load & Bridge Dept. <br />Upon the foregoing recommendation of E. E. Carter, Road C Bridge Superintendent, <br />and upon Motion of Commission Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried, Douglas <br />