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Creation date
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TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1954 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Courthouse <br />at Vero Beach, Indian River County, in a regular meeting at 9:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, <br />November 2, 1954, with the following members present: Commissioners W. C. Graves, Jr., Chair- <br />man, Aubrey L. Waddell, J. J. P. Hamilton, H. C. Watts and Allison Warren. Also present were <br />. E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent, S. N. Smith, Jr., Attorney, Sam T. Joyce, Sheriff, <br />and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Minutes of September 7th were read and approved upon motion of Commissioner <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried. <br />Minutes of October 5th meeting were read and approved upon motion.of Comm-. <br />issioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried. <br />Minutes of October 11th meeting were read and approved upon motion of Comm- <br />issioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Warren and carried. <br />Minutes of October 13th meeting were read and approved upon motion of Comm- <br />issioner Hamilton,.seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried. <br />Miss McCloud, new child welfare worker,for Indian River County, met with the <br />Board and gave a report as to the Child t1lelfare activities and stated there were approximately <br />twenty-three childred in Indian River County who come under the child welfare program and/or <br />were receiving benefit from same. <br />Mr. Lee DeLoach and Mr. H. B. Holley from the Blue Cypress Camp, met with the <br />Board and discussed the possibilities of a lease on some of the land owned by the County, <br />also as to the possibilities of constructing two cabins located over the water between the <br />land owned by the County abd the present fishing camp building. It was decided that further <br />consideration be given these matters by both parties, and that Messrs. DeLoach and Holley <br />would meet with the Board again in the near future. <br />Rev. Jackson together with Mr. Broxton appeared as a committee representing <br />the Wabasso Civic Planning Board, and requested the Board of County Commissioners to under- <br />write four projects as follows: 1. Place a light in frount of each Church in the Wabasso <br />Colored area. 2. Construct a road from the Wabasso Elementary School to the Cemetery, also <br />repair and fix the present road with grade ditches on both sides. 3. Dig a ditch for <br />drainage,ccounty to keep same cleaned outlregarding Sebastian River Drainage District deal. <br />4. Place reduce speed signs and school zone signs in the Wabasso School area. E. E. Carter <br />Road & Bridge Superintendent to place and install the signs. The Board agreed to underwrite <br />these projects with the understanding that any bills for future maintenance and operation <br />relating to lights be paid by the Wabasso Civic Planning Board. <br />It was also called to the Board's attention that another road leading along <br />North of the Blue Goose quarters needed to be opened up so people could get in and out of said <br />quarters. The Board agreed to do this as soon as possible. <br />It was also brought to the Board's attention that there is another road approx- <br />imately X. miles East of Lateral "A" which had been established by usage and had been used <br />for 15 years for which the County had never obtained right of way. It was also noted that <br />there were about four houses and nine lots involved where owners and occupants could not <br />get in and out unless through other peoples yards and private property and that there is about <br />300 feet of read and culvert that needs to be built and installed inorder to solve the problem, <br />E. E. Carter, Road and Bridge Superintendent was instructed to investigate these matters and <br />report back to the Board. <br />[1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />10 <br />
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