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5E%'7. <br />referred <br />Disposal <br />This Agreement, entered into this AT day of <br />, 1993, by and between the Town of Orchid (hereinafter <br />to as the TOWN) and Indian River county Solid Waste <br />District (hereinafter referred to as the SWDD). <br />WHEREAS, the Statewide goal of the Solid Waste <br />Management Act of 1988 (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") is <br />to reduce the amount of municipal solid waste being disposed of <br />at solid waste management facilities by at least 30 percent by <br />19947 and <br />WHEREAS, in an effort to reach this goal the Act <br />required counties to develop and implement recycling programs <br />within their jurisdictions to return valuable materials to <br />productive use, to conserve energy and natural resources, and to <br />protect capacity at solid waste management facilities; and <br />WHEREAS, the Act required that said recycling programs <br />be initiated by July 1, 1989; and <br />WHEREAS, in an effort to accomplish the recycling goals <br />of the Act, the SWDD in fiscal year 1991-92 implemented a <br />curbside recycling collection program for single family <br />residences; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town, through interlocal agreement, <br />(January 14, 1992) authorized the SWDD to provide the recycling <br />collection program within the Town, and <br />WHEREAS, the SWDD, in fiscal year 1993-94, intends to <br />implement curbside recycling collection for multi -family units, <br />to include mobile home parks, and all residential units; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town, not having a recycling program, <br />wishes to participate in both the SWDD's multi -family and single <br />family recycling collection program; and <br />WHEREAS, the Act created the Solid Waste Management <br />Trust Fund to provide grants to assist qualifying counties and <br />municipalities in the operation of solid waste management <br />recycling and eduction programs; and <br />WHEREAS, municipalities with populations of less than <br />50,000 may not apply individually for grants, but may apply <br />jointly with the SWDD for incentive grant funds; and <br />WHEREAS, no local government match is required for <br />these grants if the municipalities representing seventy-five <br />percent (75%) of the incorporated population of the County apply <br />jointly with the SWDD, to the Florida Department of Environmental <br />Protection (FDEP), for these grants; and <br />WHEREAS, in order to apply jointly for these grants the <br />SWDD and the municipalities must enter into interlocal agreements <br />that determine how the grant funds, if awarded, shall be used; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, grant applications submitted to the FDEP must <br />include copies of the interlocal agreements between the SWDD and <br />participating municipalities; and <br />WHEREAS, the participation and cooperation of the TOWN <br />and the SWDD is essential to the successful award of a State <br />grant and the development and implementation of a successful <br />recycling and education program in Indian River County; and <br />