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1 <br />4 <br />6. This lease shall be binding upon the respective parties, <br />their assigns and successors. The Lessee may assign its rights and <br />o bligations under this lease only upon prior written approval of the <br />Lessor, and such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. <br />7. Lessee takes the facilities 'am is` and Lessor does not <br />warrant that the facility in sufficient for the use intended by <br />Lessee. Any modifications necessary to make the facility usable by <br />the Lessee may only be made after approval by the Lessor and shall <br />be made at the sole expense of the Lessee. <br />8. Lessee shall pay Lessor at WO 25th Streets <br />Vero Beach. Florida 32960 an annual rental of naafi payable at <br />• monthly rate of !17t and due on the first day of each and every <br />month during the term of this lease. <br />The rent for each succeeding year may be subject to review <br />and renegotiation yearly no less than 60 days prior to the renewal <br />date contained herein. In the event the parties hereto fail to agree <br />u pon • reasonable rental fee for the following year, this lease shall <br />terminate automatically pursuant to the terms stated herein. <br />9. Lessee shall have the right to use the electrical service <br />o f the Lessor located st the tower site in order to operate and/or <br />repair Lessee's radio units.. Lessor shall pay all recurring <br />e lectrical costs during the term of this lease. <br />10. During the term of this lease, Lessor agrees that Lessee <br />shall have tree access to the toyer and the premises on which the <br />tower in located 24 hours per day, for the purpose of installing, <br />maintaining, repairing, and removing its equipment. <br />I1. The installation, maintenance, repair, and removal of <br />Lessee's equipment spall not damage the premises or the tower <br />structure or interfere with the maintenance of the Lessor's property. <br />12. Lessee shall comply with all rules and regulations of the <br />Federal Communications Commission, Civil Aeronautic• Administration, <br />and all other applicable laws and regulations. <br />13. Lessor reserves the right to grant radio antenna leases to <br />o ther parties on any frequency and shall be under no responsibility <br />to Lessee for doing so. If the operation of such other parties <br />involved interferes with Lessee's operation, it shall be the Lessee's <br />o bligation to resolve the matter with such other parties. Lessor <br />shall not be obligated to resolve such interference or operating <br />problems. If unable to resolve the matter with such other parties, <br />Lessee shall be entitled to terminate this lease upon 10 days' <br />w ritten notice to Lessor. <br />14. Lessor agrees: <br />A. to maintain the radio tower in good working condition <br />at •11 times in order that the Lessee may have the use of said tower <br />as contemplated herein. <br />B. to maintain the radio tower strictly in accordance <br />w ith the requirements of the Federal Communications Commission. <br />15. The Lessee does hereby agree to indemnify and save the <br />County harmless from any and all claims, liability, losses and causes <br />o f action which may arise out of Lessee's interest in the leased <br />promisee under this lease agreement or the Lessee's activity on the <br />demised premises The Lessee shall pay all claims and losses of any <br />n ature whatsoever in connection therewith, and shall defend all <br />suits, at the County's request, in the name of the County when <br />applicable, and pay all costs and judgments which issue therefrom. <br />2 <br />