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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:40:05 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 4:52:05 PM
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E <br />ATTEST: <br />CLERK' <br />e.. <br />CHA I RMA <br />489 <br />TUESDAY, JULY 5,x,955 <br />The,Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Courthouse <br />at Vero Beach, Indian River County, in a regular meeting at 9:00 a. M. , Tuesday, July 5, <br />1955, with the following members present: Commissioners 11. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman, J. J. P. <br />• Hamilton, H. C. Watts, Aubrey Waddell. Absent was Commissioner Allison Warren, Also present <br />were E. E. Carter, Road & Bridge Superintendent; Attorneys George Heath and Sherman N. Smith, <br />Jr., Sam T. Joyce, Sheriff, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Minutes of June 7th regular meeting, were read and the same approved upon <br />Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried. <br />A delegation headed by J. F. Meeks appeared before the Board and requested a <br />county road on the Section line between the Airport and Louis Harris Estate. Upon Motion <br />of Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and carried, the Board authorized <br />Attorney Heath to prepare a petition for Mr. Meeks and others to obtain the right-of-way <br />for the road, with the understanding that the minimum right-of-way requirement is 70 feet. <br />After the right-of-way is obtained the County will grade and marl the road. <br />The resignation of Gene Hadden, County Sanitarian was accepted by the Board <br />with regret and Robert W. Jennings of Kissimmee, Florida was instructed to report on or about <br />July 15th. <br />Chairman Graves proposed a long range program regarding the,building of a Home <br />for the Aged and for additions to the Courthouse for the Assessor, Collector, Clerk and <br />County Commissioner's Room. Mr. Graves stated that in his opinion the several additions <br />Mr. John T. Ezell and.Ormond Taylor appeared before the Board and requested <br />that the canal be cleared out, the road widened and a larger turn -around space made at Blue <br />Cypress Lake. A committee consisting of Commissioner Waddell and Road and Bridge Superinten- <br />dent E. E. Carter was appointed to work with Mr. Ezell and Mr. Taylor to obtain ideas for <br />long range planning for improvement of the situation at Blue Cypress Lake. <br />Mr. Rivers Anderson representing the Ground Observers Corp of Indian River <br />County, stated a new site for observation posts were needed and would like to use the tower <br />at the airbase. He stated permission had been obtained from Mr. Holman for the use of the <br />tower. Mt. Anderson further stated that a railing on the outside of the tower and a tread <br />to <br />the Courthouse <br />could be constructed for approximately $5,000,00 each, and that the cost <br />for <br />the tome for <br />the aged would be approximately $25,000,00, and he suggested a portion of <br />the <br />latter amount <br />be appropriated in the 1955-56 budget and that the remainder would be <br />appropriated <br />the <br />following year. All members of the Board concurred with Mr. Graves in that <br />his <br />thinking and <br />planning was a good idea and they would cooperate in order that same could <br />be <br />carried out. <br />Mr. John T. Ezell and.Ormond Taylor appeared before the Board and requested <br />that the canal be cleared out, the road widened and a larger turn -around space made at Blue <br />Cypress Lake. A committee consisting of Commissioner Waddell and Road and Bridge Superinten- <br />dent E. E. Carter was appointed to work with Mr. Ezell and Mr. Taylor to obtain ideas for <br />long range planning for improvement of the situation at Blue Cypress Lake. <br />Mr. Rivers Anderson representing the Ground Observers Corp of Indian River <br />County, stated a new site for observation posts were needed and would like to use the tower <br />at the airbase. He stated permission had been obtained from Mr. Holman for the use of the <br />tower. Mt. Anderson further stated that a railing on the outside of the tower and a tread <br />
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