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EXHIBIT 66A " <br /> SCOPE OF WOE{ <br /> The additional work proposes modifying existing design <br /> 1 - 52 - 01 to include intersection improvements at the xist existing 17`h for Financial <br /> Road U. S ? 1 <br /> intersection . The new improvements include the construction of a dual left turn lanes in the <br /> eastbound and westbound directions from 17`h Street on to SR 5/ US 1 as requested by Indian <br /> River County. The project limits will be extended east to approximately 750 feet east of the SR 5 <br /> (US 1 ) intersection . Due to the nature of the improvements, additional right-of-way will be <br /> required . Right-of-way maps and legal descriptions will be prepared for additional new right-of- <br /> way requirements . Roadway plans will be modified to show the additional work required <br /> (widening, milling and resurfacing) along with revisions to the component sets of Signing and <br /> Pavement Marking plans , Signalization, Landscaping and Lighting plans . <br />