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The Performance Bond shall contain a specific provision that delay damages are <br /> covered by the Performance Bond . <br /> 17 . SIGNING OF AGREEMENT <br /> When Owner gives Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by <br /> the required number of unsigned counterparts of the Agreement with all other written <br /> Contract Documents attached . Within ten days thereafter, Contractor shall sign and <br /> deliver the required number of counterparts of the Agreement and attached documents <br /> to Owner with required bonds . Within a reasonable time thereafter, Owner shall deliver <br /> one fully signed counterpart to Contractor. Each counterpart is to be accompanied by a <br /> complete set of the drawings with appropriate identification . <br /> END OF SECTION <br /> 00100 - 8 <br /> F:\Utilities\UTILITY - ENGINEERING\WTP - North RO\N RO Brine Line Discharge - UCP#2208\BID DOCUMENTS North County <br /> RO\BID DOCUMENTS\00100 Instruction To Bidders .doc <br />