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Exhibit B2 <br /> 58th Avenue Portion of the Bella Rosa Off Site FM Cost of Improvements 05- 158 <br /> Cost Per <br /> Item Quantity Units Unit Cost <br /> 6" GV 1 EA $ 1 ,230. 00 $ 1 , 230 .00 <br /> 6" 45s (4) 0 . 17 Tons $ 102000 . 00 $ 1 , 700 . 00 <br /> 6" PVC Pipe 1180 LF $24 . 00 $280320. 00 <br /> 6" HDPE Pipe 195 LF $82 . 00 $15 , 990. 00 <br /> Restoration 1180 LF $3 . 50 $4 , 130. 00 <br /> Traffic Control 0 . 388 LS $5, 000. 00 $ 1 , 940. 00 <br /> Mobilization 0 . 388 LS $7, 123 . 00 $2 , 763.72 <br /> Bonds & Insurance 0. 388 LS $3 ,475 . 00 $ 1 , 348. 30 <br /> R. O .W. Stakeout 0 . 388 LS $500 . 00 $194. 00 <br /> Survey AsBuilts 0 . 388 LS $5, 000 . 00 $1 , 940. 00 <br /> Discount 0. 388 LS $25, 854 . 00 ($ 10, 031 . 35) <br /> Subtotal $49 , 524.67 <br /> Survey 0 . 388 $2 , 300 . 00 $892 .40 <br /> Design 0. 388 $ 14 ,415 . 50 $5 , 593.21 <br /> Permitting 0 . 388 $4, 083 . 00 $ 1 , 584.20 <br /> Bidding & Award 0 . 388 $5 , 766 . 20 $2 , 237.29 <br /> Construction <br /> Services 0. 388 $8 , 649 . 30 $3 , 355. 93 <br /> Administration 0 . 388 $5, 766 . 20 $2 , 237.29 <br /> Subtotal $ 15 , 900. 32 <br /> Total Improvement Cost for 58th Avenue $65 ,424. 99 <br /> Total Improvement Cost for Project" $209 , 980.20 <br /> Benefiting Properties Share $ 144 , 555.21 <br /> Developer's Share $32 , 392 . 17 <br /> Benefiting Properties Share $ 112 , 163.04 <br /> County Share $65 ,424. 99 (M . P . 6" FM on 58th Ave.) <br />