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Development of Housing and Urban Development
2007 Shelter Plus Care Renewal and Consolidation
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(c) Real property acquisition requirements . ( ii ) Any person , including a person who moves <br /> The acquisition of real property for supportive before the date described in paragraph (f) ( 1 ) ( 1 ) <br /> housing is subject to the URA and the of this section , if the recipient or HUD determines <br /> requirements described in 49 CFR part 24, that the displacement resulted directly from <br /> subpart B . acquisition , rehabilitation , or demolition for the <br /> ( d ) Responsibility of recipient . ( 1 ) The assisted project . <br /> recipient must certify ( i . e . , provide assurance of ( iii ) A tenant- occupant of a dwelling unit who <br /> compliance) that it will comply with the URA, the moves permanently from the building/complex on <br /> regulations at 49 CFR part 24 , and the or after the date of the ' ' initiation of <br /> requirements of this section , and must ensure negotiations" (see paragraph (g ) of this section ) <br /> such compliance notwithstanding any third if the move occurs before the tenant has been <br /> party 's contractual obligation to the recipient to provided written notice offering him or her the <br /> comply with these provisions . opportunity to lease and occupy a suitable , <br /> ( 2 ) The cost of required relocation assistance decent, safe and sanitary dwelling in the same <br /> is an eligible project cost in the same manner and building/complex, under reasonable terms and <br /> tconditions, upon completion of the project. Such <br /> o the same extent as other project costs . Such <br /> costs also may be paid for with local public funds reasonable terms and conditions must include a <br /> or funds available from other sources . monthly rent and estimated average monthly <br /> utility costs that do not exceed the greater of: <br /> ( 3 ) The recipient must maintain records in (A) The tenant's monthly rent before the <br /> sufficient detail to demonstrate compliance with initiation of negotiations and estimated average <br /> provisions of this section . utility costs, or <br /> (e) Appeals . A person who disagrees with the ( B) 30 percent of gross household income . If <br /> recipient's determination concerning whether the the initial rent is at or near the maximum , there <br /> person qualifies as a ' ' displaced person , " or the must be a reasonable basis for concluding at the <br /> amount of relocation assistance for which the time the project is initiated that future rent <br /> person is eligible, may file a written appeal of increases will be modest. <br /> that determination with the recipient . A low- <br /> income person who is dissatisfied with the ( iv ) A tenant of a dwelling who is required to <br /> recipient's determination on his or her appeal relocate temporarily, but does not return to the <br /> may submit a written request for review of that building/complex, if either : <br /> determination to the HUD field office . (A) A tenant is not offered payment for all <br /> (f) Definition of displaced person . ( 1 ) For reasonable out-of- pocket expenses incurred in <br /> purposes of this section , the term " displaced connection with the temporary relocation , or <br /> person " means a person (family , individual , ( B ) Other conditions of the temporary <br /> business, nonprofit organization , or farm ) that relocation are not reasonable . <br /> moves from real property, or moves personal <br /> property from real property permanently as a (v) A tenant of a dwelling who moves from the <br /> direct result of acquisition , rehabilitation , or building/complex permanently after he or she has <br /> demolition for supportive housing project assisted been required to move to another unit in the <br /> under this part. The term " displaced person " same building/complex, if either : <br /> includes , but may not be limited to : (A) The tenant is not offered reimbursement <br /> ( i ) A person that moves permanently from the for all reasonable out- <br /> real property after the property owner (or person of- pocket expenses incurred in connection with <br /> in control of the site) issues a vacate notice or the move ; or <br /> refuses to renew an expiring lease, if the move <br /> occurs on or after : ( B) Other conditions of the move are not <br /> (A) The date that the recipient submits to HUD reasonable . <br /> an application for assistance that is later ( 2 ) Notwithstanding the provisions of <br /> approved and funded , if the recipient has control paragraph (f) ( 1 ) of this section , a person does <br /> of the project site ; or not qualify as a ' � displaced person " (and is not <br /> ( B) The date that the recipient obtains control eligible for relocation assistance under the URA or <br /> of the project site , if such control is obtained this section ) , if: <br /> after the submission of the application to HUD . <br /> 10 <br />
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