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MAY 25 , 2006 12 : 28 000 - 000 - 00000 Page 3 <br /> ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES. INC, <br /> Page 1 <br /> Project Natne , Cit 512 - Ck Permit Coordination <br /> Project Numhot 05 111 01 <br /> 75 May 2006 <br /> Task 3. C. EPermitCoordination - Ecological $ 1340 <br /> E <br /> tp An CSI scientist performed additional ecological coordination outside the <br /> scope of our contract as a recall of connnents received front the CE and file US <br /> Fish and Wildlife Service ( USI- WS ) in regards to the GRP application <br /> originally submitted by M&NI un September` 10, 2005 , with additional <br /> information submitled un November 22, 2005 . GSI cnnducwd this 134x1 l5 ' I � `II . cc <br /> cnurdinalion Ilrum February 13 . 2006 until the, issuance of the Individual <br /> Pcnnit. on May 11 . 2006. An ESI scientist spent a total of 60 bouts al it billing <br /> rile of $88/hour. Themajority of this time was billed under the budgets of <br /> tasks within our existing scope of services. IFlowevei. 5 hours of senior <br /> scientist at a rate of $99 and 6 hours ul a division manager at n billing rate of <br /> $ 150 was conducted outside the scope of our current contract. <br /> The work performedbyF:SI including conducting a aitc visit to collect [ tic dour <br /> to perform a functional assessment of all wetlands proposed for infpacf. by the 1 ( (og , Ll' O <br /> CR 512 rnadwuy imptovumews, preparing the functional as cNsmeni forms, 1 $ 41 <br /> photographing each Welland proposed for impact, and dkt: ussinti enhancement .-.1 p Cl <br /> activities within the on-site 3 . 86-acre conservation casenicnl . All of this <br /> inOmnation was presented to the 0in a luucr Bawd March 9, 2006 , VSA <br /> Additional coordination with the CF. and butwcen ESI and M& M occurreditis y , Z " ems. <br /> regarding the proposed mitigation within the Department of Lnvironmmnial Tp E <br /> Protection (DEP)-owned-land-wiihin the St. Sebastian River Boffer PfeScrvc. -- Qr5f � Co <br /> 1"his inlorntation was subl"Mcd to the CE in a letter dated March 16, 2006 ScRo t E S <br /> GSI coordinated with M& M to review and revise the wetland imp;icts utble <br /> ( Table 1 ) that wos suhmiocd as pail of the GRP applicalion . I 'Sf reviewed the <br /> Public Notice puhliehcd by [ tic CE on December 19, 2005 and the couent plans <br /> Prepared by M&M to revise the identified impacts to wetlands and ditches <br /> presumed in Table l . These data were it portion of the information provided to <br /> do CI ' al a mccting in their office in Cocoa on May I , 2006 to review the <br /> proposed project and the on- site and off- site wetland Milihalion aclivilies . <br /> We will work un the basis described above using the outlined costs defined above for each task. Uur foe <br /> lir -I ;tsk I is $3 .500. Our costs incurred to date for Tasks 2 -find 3 is $2356 . <br />