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'i <br />Minutes of November 1st and 17th, were read and approved upon Motion of <br />i <br />Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried. <br />Commissioner Warren reported that he had requested from Kurt Kraft, Agent, <br />copy of plan of proposed building alleged to be constructed on the Eastern portion of Block 2 <br />Langwick SIL), and was told by tor. graft that it would take several weeks to get a copy of the <br />plans. Chairman Graves appointed a committee consisting of E. E. Carter, Al Warren and Shermagj <br />Smith, Jr. to work with City Manager, Charles Jewett and Superintendent of Public Work, Ross <br />Jernig'n,,regarding a. proposed sewer system to'be-installed or constructed in '.the Langwick <br />Subdiv sioe area, in that the proposed building and sewer system has a definite bearing on <br />whether or net the county will sell or provide an easement to the East 15 feet of Lot 9 and the <br />East 16 feetofLot 30, Block 2, Langwick Subdivision. <br />Glenn Smith appeared before the Board and wanted to lease 200 feet square in <br />Block 2, Langwick Subdivision to be used as a nursery. However, the Board was advisedby <br />P Attorney Smith that the land had been dedicated tu'public uses and therefore could not be <br />leased by the County.^;F <br />Upon Motion of (%ommissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Hamilton and <br />carried,,,the Board.authorized Alice Helleso to purchase a typewriter for the County Health <br />Unit to cost approximately $175.00. <br />Upon the recommendation of Homer C. Fletcher, Tax Assessor, it was moved by <br />Commissioner Warren, seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried that corrections as to <br />assessed valuation and taxes could be extended or approved upon the following described <br />lands •''' <br />Lots 10, 11. 12, Block 2, Mari Jen Ie Subdivision <br />i Lots 3 to 5, Inc., Block 2, McAnsh Park <br />a Lots 4 and 5, Block 89 Tropicolony, Inc., 42. <br />The foregoing applies on houses not completed January 1, 1955. <br />h <br />5 stiff Sam T. Joyce, stated that a new high frequency radio outfit consisting <br />of two receivers and two transmitters, valued at approximately Seventeen Hundred.Dollars <br />could be purchased in connection with civil defense program for $437.50,.of which $218.75 <br />would be paid by the City of Vero Beach and $218.75 would be paid by the County, plus cost <br />of installation. Thereupon it was moved by Commissioner Waddell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Watts and carried, that the equipment be purchased on the basis as heretofore stated&. <br />Mr. Myer and others representing Roseland Men's Club, appeared before the <br />Board relating to the matter of getting some piling removed from the Sebastian River and <br />Chairman Graves requested that Commissioner Watts and Attorney Smith take the necessary steps <br />so that the Board might use its influence in getting the 'piling removed. <br />Senator Barber, Lou Tiller and Dave Langfitt, appeared before the Board in the <br />i <br />Ij interst of getting a permanent location for the right-of-way of A -1-A before starting a new <br />development which is in the making. It was moved by Commissioner Watts, seconded by Comm- <br />issioner Waddell and carried, that the Board agreed with the effectdd._property owners on the <br />proposed re -location of A -1-A from the North limits of Vero Beach, to recommend to the State <br />Road Department, the alignment requested by the property owners, and to abandon the present <br />road following the shore line of the ocean, upon completion of the new road. <br />Mrs. Anne Christensen, County Welfare Case Worker, appeared before the Board if <br />and made a report of her activities for the month of November. Said report was ordered filed <br />with the Clerk. <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />is <br />1 <br />'�J <br />