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SECTION XI = NOTICES <br /> Any notices , reports or other written communications from the ENGINEER to the <br /> COUNTY shall be considered delivered when posted by certified mail or delivered in person to <br /> the Director of the Public works Department or County Engineer . Any notices , reports or other <br /> communications from the COUNTY to the ENGINEER shall be considered delivered when <br /> posed by certified mail to the ENGINEER at the last address left on file with the COUNTY or <br /> delivered in person to said ENGINEER or his authorized representative . In person deliveries <br /> shall be evident by signed receipts . <br /> SECTION XII = TERMINATION <br /> The obligation to provide further services under this Agreement may be terminated by <br /> either party upon seven ( 7 ) days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other <br /> party to perform in accordance with the terms hereof through no fault of the terminating party . <br /> The COUNTY may , for public convenience , terminate this contract at any time provided 90 days <br /> written notice is given to the ENGINEER . In the event of any terminations , the ENGINEER will <br /> be paid for all services rendered to the date of termination , all expenses subject to <br /> reimbursement hereunder, and other reasonable incurred by the ENGINEER as a result of such <br /> termination . <br /> SECTION XIII = AUDIT RIGHTS <br /> The COUNTY reserves the right to audit the records of the ENGINEER related to this <br /> AGREEMENT at any time during the prosecution of the work included herein and for a period of <br /> one year after final payment is made . <br /> SECTION XIV = SUBLETTING <br /> The ENGINEER shall not sublet , assign , or transfer any work under this Agreement <br /> without the written consent of the COUNTY . When applicable and upon receipt of such <br /> consent in writing , the ENGINEER shall cause the names of the engineering and surveying <br /> firms responsible for the major portions of each separate specialty of the work to be inserted on <br /> the reports or other data . <br /> SECTION XV = WARRANTY <br /> The ENGINEER warrants that he has not employed or retained any company or person <br /> other than bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER or subconsultant to solicit or <br /> secure this contract and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person other <br /> than a bona fide employee working solely for the ENGINEER any fee , commission , percentage <br /> 9 <br /> F :\Engineering\Capital Projects\0107-B & 9920-B Bridge Design\9920-B-Box Culvert in Canal at 16th St & 74th Ave\9920B <br /> Professional Agreement for Bridge Design-8-5-05. doc <br />