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§ 582.340 24 CFR Ch. V (4-1 -06 Edition) <br /> (B) The date that the recipient ob- (2) Notwithstanding the provisions of <br /> tains control of the project site, if such paragraph (f)(1) of this section, a per- <br /> control is obtained after the submis- son does not qualify as a "displaced <br /> sion of the application to HUD. person" (and 1s not eligible for reloca- <br /> (ii) Any person, including a person tion assistance under the URA or this <br /> who moves before the date described in section), if: <br /> paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, if the (f) The person has been evicted for se- <br /> recipient or HUD determines that the rious or repeated violation of the terms <br /> displacement resulted directly from ac- and conditions of the lease or occu- <br /> quisition, rehabilitation, or demolition pancy agreement, violation of appbea- <br /> for the assisted project. his Federal, State, or local or tribal <br /> (iii) A tenant-occupant of a dwelling law, or other good cause, and HUD de- <br /> unit who moves permanently from the termines that the eviction was not un- <br /> building/complex on or after the date of dertaken for the purpose of evading the <br /> the "initiation of negotiations" (see obligation to provide relocation assist- <br /> paragraph (g) of this section) if the ance; <br /> move occurs before the tenant has been (if) The person moved into the prop- <br /> provided written notice offering him or <br /> her the opportunity to lease and oc- erty after the submission of the appli- <br /> cupy a suitable, decent, safe and sani- cation and, before signing a lease and <br /> tary dwelling in the same building/ commencing occupancy, was provided <br /> complex, under reasonable terms and written notice of the project, its pos- <br /> conditions, upon completion of the sible impact on the person (e.g. , the <br /> project. Such reasonable terms and Person may be displaced, temporarily <br /> conditions must include a monthly relocated, or suffer a rent increase) and <br /> rent and estimated average monthly the fact that the person would not <br /> utility costs that do not exceed the qualify as a "displaced person" (or for <br /> greater of: any assistance provided under this sec- <br /> (A) The tenant's monthly rent before tion), if the project is approved; <br /> the initiation of negotiations and esti- (iii) The person is ineligible under 49 <br /> mated average utility costs, or CFR 24.2(8)(2); or <br /> (B) 30 percent of gross household in- (iv) HUD determines that the person <br /> come. If the initial rent is at or near was not displaced as a direct result of <br /> the maximum, there must be a reason- acquisition, rehabilitation, or demoli- <br /> able basis for concluding at the time tion for the project. <br /> the project is initiated that future rent (3) The recipient may request, at any - <br /> increases will be modest. time, HUD 's determination of whether <br /> (iv) A tenant of a dwelling who is re- a displacement is or would be covered <br /> quired to relocate temporarily, but under this section. <br /> does not return to the building/com- <br /> plex, if either: (g) Definition of initiation odeo7 determining <br /> the <br /> (A) A tenant is not offered payment tions. For purposes of determining the <br /> for all reasonable out-of-pocket ex- formula for computing the replacement <br /> housing assistance to be provided to a <br /> tenses mporary relocation, <br /> in connection with the residential tenant displaced as a direct <br /> temporary relocation, or result of privately undertaken rehabili- <br /> (B) Other conditions the tem- tation, demolition, or acquisition of <br /> porrelocation are not reasonable . the real property, the term "initiation <br /> (v)) A A tenant of a dwelling who moves of negotiations" means the execution <br /> from the building/complex perma- <br /> nently of the agreement between the recipient <br /> after he or she has been re- and HUD, or selection of thero ect <br /> quired to move to another unit in the site, if later. P ] <br /> same building/complex, if either: <br /> (A) The tenant is not offered refm- § 582.340 Other Federal requirements. - <br /> bursement for all reasonable out-of- <br /> pocket expenses incurred in connection In addition to the Federal require- <br /> with the move; or ments set forth in 24 CFR part 5, the <br /> (B) Other conditions of the move are following requirements apply to this -not reasonable. program: - <br /> 248 <br />