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Exhibit One <br /> Ofc. of Asst. Secy., Comm. Planning, Develop., HUD Pt. 582 <br /> surplus property, and the reasons for § 581.12 No applications approved. <br /> determining that such need was so (a) At the end of the 60 day holding <br /> meritorious and compelling as to out- period described in § 581.9(a), HHS will <br /> weigh the needs of the homeless. notify GSA, or the landholding agency, <br /> (4) Deeds. Surplus property may be as appropriate, if an expression of in- <br /> conveyed to representatives of the terest has been received for a par- <br /> homeless pursuant to section 203(k) of titular property. Where there is no ex- <br /> the Federal Property and Administra- pression of interest, GSA or the land- <br /> tive Services Act of 1949 (40 U. S.C. holding agency, as appropriate, will <br /> 484(k)(1), and section 501(f) of the proceed with disposal in accordance <br /> McKinney Act as amended, 42 U.S.C. with applicable law. <br /> 11411. Representatives of the homeless (b) Upon advice from HRS that all <br /> must complete the application packet applications have been disapproved, or <br /> pursuant to the requirements of 9581.9 if no completed applications or re- <br /> of this part and in accordance with the quests for extensions have been re- <br /> requirements of 45 CFR part 12. ceived by HHS within 90 days from the <br /> (c) Completion of lease term and rever- date of the last expression of interest, <br /> sion of title. Lessees and grantees will disposal may proceed in accordance <br /> with applicable law. <br /> be responsible for the protection and <br /> maintenance of the property during the § 581.13 Waivers. <br /> time that they possess the property. The Secretary may waive any re- <br /> Upon termination of the lease term or quirement of this part that is not re- <br /> reversion of title to the Federal gov- quired by law, whenever it is deter- <br /> ernment, the lessee or grantee will be mined that undue hardship would re- <br /> responsible for removing any improve- salt from applying the requirement, or <br /> meats made to the property and will be where application of the requirement <br /> responsible for restoration of the prop- would adversely affect the purposes of <br /> erty. If such improvements are not re- the program. Each waiver will be in <br /> moved, they will become the property writing and will be supported by docu- <br /> of the Federal government. GSA or the mentation of the pertinent facts and <br /> landholding agency, as appropriate, grounds. The Secretary periodically <br /> will assume responsibility for protec- will publish notice of granted waivers <br /> tion and maintenance of a property inthe FEDERAL REGISTER. <br /> when the lease terminates or title re- <br /> verts. PART 582—SHELTER PLUS CARE <br /> § 581.11 Unsuitable properties. Subpart A—General <br /> The landholding agency will defer, sec. <br /> for 20 days after the date that notice of 582.1 Purpose and scope. <br /> a property is published in the FEDERAL 582.5 Definitions. <br /> REGISTER, action to dispose of prop- Subpart B—Assistance Provided <br /> erties determined unsuitable for home- <br /> less assistance. HUD will inform land- 592.100 Program component descriptions. <br /> holding agencies or GSA if appeal of an 582.105 Rental assistance amounts and pay- <br /> unsuitability determination is filed by meats, <br /> a representative of the homeless purse- 582.110 Matching requirements. <br /> ant to § 581.4(f)(4). HUD will advise the 582.115 Limitations on assistance. <br /> 582.120 Consolidated plan. <br /> agency that it should refrain from ini- <br /> tiating disposal procedures until HUD Subpart C—Application and Grant Award <br /> has completed its reconsideration proc- 2.200 Application and grant award. <br /> ess regarding unsuitability. Thereafter, 582.230 Environmental review. <br /> or if no appeal has been filed . after 20 <br /> days, GSA or the appropriate land- Subpart D—Program Requirements <br /> holding agency may proceed with dis- <br /> posal action in accordance with 8pp11- 582.305 Housing quality standards; rentrea- <br /> sonableness. <br /> 237 <br />