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BIC : 2145 PG : 2452 <br /> B. This bond is issued pursuant to Florida, Statutes Section 255.05 (2005) . <br /> The Surety, for value received , hereby stipulates and agrees that no charge, extension of time, <br /> alteration of or addition to the terms of the Contract or to the work to be performed thereunder <br /> or to the Specifications applicable thereto , shall in any way affect its obligations on this Bond , <br /> and the Surety hereby waives notice of any such change, extension of time, alterations of or <br /> addition to the terms of the Contract. <br /> The Principal and Surety jointly and severally covenant and agree that this Bond will remain in <br /> full force and effect for a period of one year commencing on the date of Substantial Completion <br /> as established on the Certificate of Substantial Completion as issued by the County of Indian <br /> River. <br /> The Principal and Surety jointly and severally, agree to pay the County of Indian River all <br /> losses, damages, expenses, costs, and attorney's fees, including appellate proceedings that <br /> the County of Indian River sustains because of a default by the Principal under the Contract. <br /> Florida Statutes Section 255. 05 (2005), as amended from time to time , together with all notice <br /> and time provisions contained in subsection (2) of Florida Statutes Section 255. 05, is <br /> incorporated herein in its entirety by this reference. <br /> The bond must state on its front page: the name, principal business address , and phone <br /> number of the contractor, the surety, the owner of the property being improved, and , if different <br /> from the owner, the contracting public entity; the contract number assigned by the contracting <br /> public entity; and a description of the project sufficient to identify it, such as a legal description <br /> or the street address of the property being improved, and a general description of the <br /> improvement, and the bond number. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the above bound parties executed this instrument under their several <br /> seals , this / 721 day of /92*2 It ZZ361 the name and corporate <br /> seal of each corporate party being hereto affixed and these presents duly signed by its <br /> undersigned representative , pursuant to authority of its governing body. <br /> Rb<KHYf IR4iY4f1}itfiK*!**YfRRifR44R4b*ifYtiftf R4H14f*MK1ff*11M1fff11K*1lfflfiMli*ffY*N111f1KHi fiK <br /> WH E PRINCIPAL IS AN INDIVIDUAL: <br /> Witness Signature of Individual <br /> Address Pri a of Individual <br /> Witness <br /> Addre <br /> KRtKt44ttiK*fR14f*1H44*1t4*KRfi*t*t*M1fiK**t1ft41tfiflHlK*K4RiK4411tKfRlfKf*Ytf*fi*R4tlfiff*4Kfi4f YfiKNf <br /> IPAL IS A SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP OR OPERATES E <br /> NAME : <br /> Signed ivered in the presence of: <br /> 044572007 <br /> 00612 - 2 <br /> A TRUE COPY <br /> CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br /> JX BARTON, CLERK I <br />