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Page 5 of 8 <br /> PROFESSIONAL GIS SERVICES (MASTER) AGREEMENT <br /> FOR THE GIS ENTERPRISE NEEDS ASSESMENT and FUTURE DEVELOPMENT STUDY 2005-2006 <br /> ( Cont) <br /> B . Reuse of Documents : All documents , including but not limited to reports , <br /> drawings and specifications , supplied by the COUNTY or any other entities which <br /> have been obtained for the purpose of research and planning is exclusively for <br /> the purpose of this contract and shall remain in the custody of the CONSULTANT <br /> during the agreement period . The CONSULTANT shall not under any <br /> circumstance use or reproduce the information for their or any other entities <br /> benefit that is not directly related to this contract and subsequent work orders . <br /> SECTION XII — NOTICES <br /> Any : i '.o.tice. C ' 1'� pl1rFQ /1Y O}hgr �1�,�i+}�n .... rrl , v, i ..., +: nne fr .+� + L. .. f is <br /> 0111 TRAIT i.. + L. .. <br /> •. vas: vi :.. vi vi Written i.vii LOV iii a,ji1 W U. siv iiiiiiI iiiC V�Ji U " i Oil LU <br /> Liii'. <br /> COUNTY shall be considered delivered when posted by certified mail or delivered in person to <br /> the County Project Manager or designee . Any notices , reports or other communications from <br /> the COUNTY to the CONSULTANT, shall be considered delivered when posted by certified mail <br /> to the CONSULTANT at the last address left on file with the COUNTY or delivered in - person to <br /> said CONSULTANT or its authorized representative . <br /> SECTION XIII — TERMINATION <br /> Either party may terminate this Agreement upon seven (7 ) days written notice to the <br /> other party, except if the CONSULTANT terminates this Agreement, such termination shall not <br /> be effective , absent the COUNTY' s consent , until the CONSULTANT' S completion to the <br /> COUNTY's satisfaction , of any pending Work Order. <br /> SECTION XIV —Consultant' s PERSONNEL ASSIGNED TO THE PROJECT <br /> The COUNTY shall have the right of approval of all Consultants' personnel assigned to <br /> any COUNTY project. Therefore , any subsequent changing of assigned personnel to any <br /> COUNTY project shall also be subject to COUNTY approval . Failure to adhere to this policy <br /> shall be considered a cause for contract termination . <br /> SECTION XV — AUDIT RIGHTS <br /> The COUNTY reserves the right to audit the records of the CONSULTANT related to this <br /> Agreement at any time during the prosecution of the work included herein and for a period of <br /> three years after final payment is made . <br /> SECTION XVI — SUBLETTING <br /> The CONSULTANT shall not sublet , assign , or transfer any work under this Agreement <br /> without the written consent of the COUNTY . When applicable and upon receipt of such consent <br /> in writing , the CONSULTANT shall cause the names of the firms responsible for the major <br /> portions of each separate specialty of the work to be inserted on the reports or other data . <br /> SECTION XVII — WARRANTY <br /> The CONSULTANT warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or <br /> person other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT, to solicit or <br /> secure this Agreement, and that it has not paid or agreed to pay any company or person other <br /> than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONSULTANT any fee , commission , <br /> percentage fee , gifts or any other considerations , contingent upon or resulting from the award or <br /> making of this Agreement . Should the CONSULTANT cause a breach of violation of this <br /> warranty , the COUNTY shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability . <br /> R\Engineering\Mike O'Brien\My Documents\GIS\GIS Ent\Contract\0532 GIS Needs project MASTER CONTRACT I .doc <br />