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7/26/2016 3:56:55 PM
Creation date
9/30/2015 9:39:22 PM
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Hala A. Shalhoub
Off-Site Utilities for Dr. Shalhoub Office Building
1302 River Reach Dr.
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AGREEMENT BETWEEN <br /> INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br /> AND <br /> HALA A. SHALHOUB <br /> (DR. SHALHOUB OFFICE BUILDING) <br /> FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF OFF-SITE UTILITIES <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, by and between INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, a political subdivision of the <br /> State of Florida, the address of which is 1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 (known hereinafter <br /> as the COUNTY") and, Hala A. Shalhoub, (which is the entity developing Dr. Shalhoub Office Building) <br /> the address of which is 1302 River Reach Drive, Vero Beach, Florida 32967, (hereinafter the <br /> DEVELOPER) is effective upon execution by the second of the two parties. <br /> WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER, in conjunction with the construction improvements at Dr. Shalhoub <br /> Office Building, is providing water and wastewater facilities to serve the subject property located at 13100 US <br /> Highway 1 , Sebastian, Florida, and more specifically described in Exhibit "A" and as shown on Exhibit "C". <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 918.05 , The Code of Indian River County (Ordinance 90- 16, as <br /> amended), the COUNTY, requires the DEVELOPER to provide the utility improvements to serve the regional <br /> area, and agrees to reimburse the DEVELOPER, as provided herein, for the cost of providing these off-site <br /> utilities, <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual promises set forth herein and other good <br /> and valuable consideration, the COUNTY and DEVELOPER agree as follows : <br /> 1 . Off-Site Utilities : <br /> The DEVELOPER shall construct the necessary off-site utilities described herein as directed by the Indian <br /> River County Utilities Department. The COUNTY shall reimburse the DEVELOPER for constructing of <br /> the off-site utilities as outlined below: <br /> A. 8-inch Diameter Water Main along US 1 from Seacrest Plaza North, 1387 +/- LF : <br /> The DEVELOPER shall furnish and install <br /> 1387 +/- LF of 8 -inch watermain plus a prorated portion of the costs for the US Hwy 1 watermain <br /> crossing/interconnect under US Hwy 1 located south of Quality Health Care, Fountain Towers, LLC. <br /> Reimbursement : Following the DEVELOPER ' S payment of Capacity Charges, the COUNTY shall <br /> reimburse the DEVELOPER based on an itemized invoice of the installed material on a complete <br /> basis after the above referenced facilities are dedicated to and accepted by the COUNTY. The funds <br /> to reimburse the DEVELOPER shall derive from the connection charges of other properties that use <br /> the constructed lines and facilities based on their share of the hydraulic capacity used. <br /> Reimbursement shall be in the form of a check from the COUNTY, and shall not exceed the amount <br /> of $ 76, 896 . 09 (See Exhibit `B") <br /> 2 . Amendment: <br /> This Agreement may be modified only by a written instrument executed by all parties to the Agreement. <br /> Attachment 1 <br /> F UTILITIES UTILITYENGINE ERING PROIFC IS UTILITY CONSTRUCTION PERMITS SEBAS TIAN - SHALLOTS WATER MAIN LS TENSION UCP cZyO $NAL HOUB FIN AL DE\'ELOPER S AGREEMCN I_ <br /> MARCH E]. 1006.DOC <br />
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