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EXHIBIT-A <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> A parcel of land, being a portion of Tracts 9 , 10 , 15 and 16 lying the <br /> southeast one- quarter ( S . E . 1/4) of Section 9 , Township 33 South , Range 38 <br /> East, " Indian River Farms Co . Plat of Lands and Plan for Land Drainage and <br /> Road Reservations " , according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book <br /> 2 , Page 25 of the Public Records of St . Lucie County, Florida, being more <br /> particularly described as follows : <br /> COMMENCE at the southeast corner of said Section 9 ; thence along the South <br /> line of the southeast one - quarter ( S . E . '/4) of said Section 9 , North <br /> 89 ° 59 '06 " West , 30 . 00 feet ; thence North 00 ° 04 ' 30 " West, 100 . 00 feet to a <br /> point on the South line of said Tract 16 being the POINT OF BEGINNING ; <br /> thence along the aforementioned South line of Tract 16 and the South line of <br /> said Tract 15 , North 89 ° 59 '06 West, 1 , 812 . 00 feet; thence along a line <br /> being 816 . 57 feet East of and parallel with the West line of said Tracts 15 <br /> and 10 , North 00 ° 09 ' 06 " West , 2 , 532 . 70 feet to a point lying 30 . 00 feet <br /> South of the North line of said Tract 10 ; thence along a line being <br /> parallel with and 30 . 00 feet South of the North line of said Tracts 10 and <br /> 9 , North 89 ° 59 '40 " East , 1 , 815 . 39 feet to a point being 30 . 00 feet West of <br /> the East line of said Tract 9 ; Thence along a line being 30 . 00 feet West of <br /> and parallel with the East line of said Tracts 9 and 16 , South 00 ° 04 '30 " <br /> East , 2 , 533 . 34 feet to the Point of Beginning . <br /> Said lands lying and situate in Indian River County, Florida, and containing <br /> 105 . 466 acres , more or less . <br />