<br />Published Weekly
<br />gg� eooK107 PacE509
<br />Vero Beach, Indian River County, fodda
<br />Before the undersigned authority personally appeared J. J. Schumann, who
<br />on oath says that he is Business`Manager of the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a weekly
<br />newspaper published at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; that the attached
<br />copy of advertisement, being a �
<br />_ in the matter of _ a.A�.�...
<br />eouu-
<br />in the
<br />lished in said newspaper in the issues of
<br />ar•, t n - 1 � S (e,
<br />Court, was pub -
<br />Affiant further says that the said Vero Beach Press -Journal is a newspaper published at
<br />Vero Beach, in said Indian River County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore
<br />been costo published in said Indian River County, Florida, weekly and has been entered
<br />as ots�k� r� _ `'�� at the Past office in Vero Beach, in said Indian River County. Florida,
<br />�vf� d �ierso{3; of $he �F ipxeceeding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement;
<br />aid affi<►t>#u�her�:§a�`r�,� ; has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation
<br />„ n�,� a�a�e,� co _ , ti or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement 4or
<br />n l o i'.0 l { ,me this —� � day of —IN-"_— A. D.
<br />Manager)
<br />(Clerk oi�e Circuit Court, Indian River County, Florida)
<br />N O T I C E
<br />Notice is hereby given that
<br />Elizabeth Hansen has filed a Peti-
<br />tion with the Board of County. Com-
<br />missioners of Indian River County,
<br />j Florida, requesting said Board to
<br />adopt a kesoMi0h Closing, Vaca ing
<br />and abolishing the public roads,
<br />streets, alleys, parks and rights-
<br />of-way located on the plat of Winter
<br />Beach Estates as recorded in Plat
<br />Book 1, page 49, Indian River
<br />i County public records, as it per-
<br />tains to the following described
<br />land situated in Indian River
<br />County, Florida:
<br />Beginning 327.8 feet West of
<br />the SE corner of the 'SW 1/, of
<br />SE I/4 pf Section 3, Township
<br />32 South, Range 39 East; thence
<br />running North 1328.9 feet;
<br />thence West 327.8 feet; thence
<br />South 1328.9 feet; thence East
<br />3.97.8 feet to point of beginning;
<br />and requesting said Board to re-
<br />nounce and disclaim any right of
<br />said County for the public in and to
<br />the above described public roads.
<br />streets, alleys, parks and rights of
<br />way . as delineated on said re-
<br />corded plat.
<br />Said Board will hold a public
<br />hearing thereon at 10:00 o'clock
<br />IA. M. on June 5, 1956, in the of-
<br />fices of said Board, Indian River
<br />(County Courthouse, Vero Beach,
<br />Florida.
<br />Persons interested may appear
<br />and be heard at that time.
<br />By: DOUGLAS BAKER; Clem
<br />May 10, 1955.
<br />0f
<br />The foregoing is the Proof of Publication of Notice requesting the Board of
<br />County Commissioners to Adopt Resolution closing roads, etc, on the plat of EVinter Beach.
<br />Estates. Said Resolution was adopted -- see page 25, Book 5.
<br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were
<br />P
<br />examined and found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such i
<br />bills and accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the warrants
<br />e
<br />so issued from the respectvie funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute Book as provided
<br />by the rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so recorded being
<br />i�
<br />made a part of these minutes.
<br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disburse
<br />,r
<br />y
<br />menta of the various funds, which have been audited, were found to be correct.
<br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the
<br />Board then adjourned.
<br />ATTEST?
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