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Fr_2� <br />Mr. Carter also stated that he and Jack Jennings had gone over the proposed <br />Beach Route on the ground and had taken pictures from the air and had two proposed routes <br />laid out for A -1-A Highway South of Vero Beach. <br />A delegation from the Fellsmere Fire Department requesting $1,000.00 from the <br />Board appeared before the Board and stated they needed the money for the purchase of new <br />equipment. After considerable discussion in the matter and upon Motion of Commissioner <br />Waddell, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried, it was decided that the Board would <br />appropriate $1,000.00 to the Fellsmere Volunteer Fire Department. $500.00 to be paid in the <br />present fiscal year and $500.00 by January out of next year's budget. This arrangement was <br />satisfactory with the Fellsmere Delegation. <br />Mrs. Robert Ginther, who lives on 20th Avenue, South of Vero Beach city limits, <br />appeared before the Board and said that the fire on Sunday which seemed to have started at the <br />County Dump on the Old Dixie Highway, had destroyed some fence and would like the county to' <br />replace same so that her horses and cattle would not stray. After considerable discussion -in <br />the matter, it was decided that the County was not liable for any damage and Sherman N. Smith, <br />Jr., Attorney was requested to write her a letter to this effect. <br />Larry Maher and Fire Chief Guy Sullivan appeared before the Board and asked <br />that the county and the city each pay one-half toward the purchase of protective clothing <br />to be worn to fires. They stated that this clothing should not be more than $500.00 total. <br />Upon motion of Commissioner Waddell, Commissioner Warren and carried it was de - <br />Bided that the clothing should be purchased and that the county would pay up to but not more <br />than $250.00 toward the purchase of fire protective clothing. <br />Minutes of May 1st regular meeting were read and the same were corrected in <br />order that a paragraph be added to be 43 in the Secondary Road Resolution as follows: <br />"93. King's Highway from the North Relief Canal to North Winter Beach <br />Road, being approximately 1.75 miles." <br />that the remaining paragraphed be .renumbered. This upon Motion made by Commissioner Hamilton, <br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried. <br />The minutes were then approved as corrected upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton! <br />seconded by Commissioner Waddell and carried. <br />A petition containing 35 names was presented by L. E. Canady as to the North <br />Gifford Road. Said petition stating: - "We, the undersigned residents of the North Gifford <br />Road in Indian River County, Florida, respectfully petition your Honorable Board to make the <br />necessary repairs on the North Gifford Road at your earliest convenience." Mr. Graves, Chair- <br />man appointed E. E. Carter to work up an estimate as to the cost of repairing this road, so <br />that something could be done on it next year. <br />A delegation headed by fir. B. Q. Waddell, Pat Hazel and others, appeared before <br />the Board with regard to the big fire starting out of the County Dump on Sunday June 3rd. <br />After quite a lengthy discussion the Board asked Ed Carter to have signs placed at each dump <br />stating that no -fires should be started, the amount of the fine, and that such pe°rsons would <br />be prosecuted. They also stated that they were opposed to fires being started in the dumps <br />at any time. Upon Motion of Commissioner Hamilton, seconded by Commissioner Watts and carried, <br />the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: <br />R E S O L U T I Q N <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River county, Florida, is <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />n <br />LJ <br />1 <br />0 <br />1 <br />1 <br />C� <br />