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personal property; <br /> 2. Passage of Title. The governmental entity must acquire title to and assume liability for the tangible personal <br /> property at the point in time when it is delivered to the job site up until the time it is incorporated as real property; <br /> 3 . Direct Invoice . Vendors must directly invoice the governmental entity for supplies ; <br /> 4. Direct Payment. The governmental entity must directly pay the vendors for the tangible personal property and <br /> 5 . Assumption of the Risk of Loss . The governmental entity must assume all risk of loss or damage for the tangible <br /> personal property involved in the contract as indicated by the entity ' s acquisition of or inclusion as the insured <br /> party under, insurance on the building materials . <br /> D. The Owner desires to comply with the Direct Purchase Procedures set forth in this section 3 4 12 for purchases in <br /> an amount not less than $ 5 ,000 . Construction Manager agrees to cooperate with Owner to enable Owner to comply <br /> with the Direct Purchase Procedures set forth in this section 3 4 12 for all such purchases Owner and Construction <br /> Manager shall coordinate the builder' s risk coverage of each party to comply with the Direct Purchase Procedures <br /> set forth in this section 3 .4 . 12 for such purchases . <br /> E . A Direct Purchasing Procedure will be agreed upon and attached to the GMP Amendment <br /> ARTICLE 4 COMPENSATION AND PAYMENTS FOR PRECONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES <br /> The Owner shall compensate and make payments to the Construction Manager for Preconstruction Phase services as <br /> follows : <br /> § 4. 1 COMPENSATION <br /> § 4. 1 . 1 For the services described in Sections 2 . 1 and 2 . 2 , the Construction Manager ' s compensation shall be <br /> calculated as follows : <br /> Stipulated sum of $ 89,029 . 00 inclusive of all direct and indirect construction manager expenses in the <br /> preconstruction phase and preparation of the Guaranteed Maximum Price. <br /> (State basis of compensation, whether a stipulated sum, multiple of Direct Personnel Expense, actual cost, etc. <br /> Include a statement of reimbursable cost items as applicable. ) <br /> § 4.1 .2 Compensation for Preconstruction Phase Services shall be equitably adjusted if sueh serwiees extend beyond <br /> ( ) days €r m the dote of this Agreement ^r- if the originally contemplated scope of services is significantly <br /> modified . <br /> § 4.1 .3 if eompensation is based on a multiple of Direct Personnel Expense, Direct PeFSennel Expense is defined as <br /> the difeet salaries ef the Constr-tietion Manager- ' s pefsenne! engaged in the Pr-ejeet and the pef4ion of the cost of their- <br /> mandator-y and eustemaFy eentr-ibutions and benefits related therete, stieh as employment ta*es and other- statutory <br /> employee benefits, insufanee , siek leave, holidays , vaeati d similaf eentfibutions and ben <br /> § 4.2 PAYMENTS <br /> § 4.2. 1 Payments shall be made monthly following presentation of the Construction Manager' s monthly invoice and, <br /> where applicable, shall be in proportion to services performed . All payments are subject to the provisions of the <br /> Florida Prompt Payment Act, Florida Statutes section 218 . et. seq . and Article 9 of A201TM- 1997 as modified <br /> § 4.2.2 Payments afe due and payable ( ) days ffem the date the Construetion Manager- ' s invoiee is r-eeeived b5 F <br /> located .the Owner, Amounts unpaid after- the date on which payment is due shall bear inteFest <br />at the rate enteFed below, or in <br /> the absenee thereof-, at ilihe legal Fate pr-evailing ffofn time to time at the plaae where the Pr-ejeet is <br /> AIA Document A121 TmCMc — 2003 and AGC Document 565. Copyright © 1991 and 2003 by The American Institute of Architects and The Associated <br /> General Contractors of America. All rights reserved. WARNING : This document is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. 1 <br /> 1 <br /> Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document, or any portion of It, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be <br /> prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 17 :00 :26 on 05/25/2005 under Order <br /> No. 1000126313_1 which expires on 6/29/2005, and is not for resale. <br /> User Notes: (3163795107) <br />