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this Agreement, and the term " and a reasonable allowance for overhead and profit" shall mean the Construction <br /> Manager' s Fee as defined in Section 5 . 1 . 1 of this Agreement. <br /> § 5.3 .4 if no specifie provision is made in Seetion 5 . 1 . 1 for- adjustment of the Construefien Managef- ' s Fee in the case <br /> of ehanges in the Wer-k, or- if the e*tent ef sueh ehanges is sueh, in the aggregate, that appheation of the adjustment <br /> A of See6efi 5 . 1 . 1 .1h rill elaffl.l .se subst.antial inequity to the Owner- of Constmetion Manager-, the Constmetion <br /> Managef' s Fee sha4l be equillably adjusted oft the basis of the Fee established for- the Aleff1c . <br /> ARTICLE 6 COST OF THE WORK FOR CONSTRUCTION PHASE <br /> § 6. 1 COSTS TO BE REIMBURSED <br /> § 6. 1 . 1 The term " Cost of the Work" shall mean costs necessarily incurred by the Construction Manager in the proper <br /> performance of the Work. Such costs shall be at rates not higher than those customarily paid at the place of the <br /> Project except with prior written consent of the Owner. The Cost of the Work shall include only the items set forth <br /> in this Article 6 . <br /> § 6 . 1 .2 LABOR COSTS <br /> .1 Wages of construction workers directly employed by the Construction Manager to perform the <br /> construction of the Work at the site or, with the Owner ' s written agreement, at off-site workshops . <br /> .2 Wages or salaries of the Construction Manager' s supervisory and administrative personnel when <br /> stationed at the site with the Owner' s written agreement . <br /> Classification Name <br /> Senior Project Manager Greg Hayes <br /> Project Manager Will Sumner <br /> Assistant Project Manager Jim Cummins <br /> (If it is intended that the wages or salaries of certain personnel stationed at the Construction <br /> Manager 's principal office or offices other than the site office shall be included in the Cost of the <br /> Work, such personnel shall be identified below. ) <br /> .3 Wages and salaries of the Construction Manager' s supervisory or administrative personnel engaged, <br /> at factories , workshops or on the road , in expediting the production or transportation of materials or <br /> equipment required for the Work, but only for that portion of their time required for the Work. <br /> .4 Costs paid or incurred by the Construction Manager for taxes, insurance, contributions, assessments <br /> and benefits required by law or collective bargaining agreements, and, for personnel not covered by <br /> such agreements, eustemafy benefits . ueh as sick leave, medical and health benefits, holidays, <br /> vacations and pensions, provided that such costs are based on wages and salaries included in the Cost <br /> of the Work under Sections 6 . 1 . 2 . 1 through 6 . 1 . 2 . 3 . <br /> § 6.1 . 3 SUBCONTRACT COSTS <br /> Payments made by the Construction Manager to Subcontractors in accordance with the requirements of the <br /> subcontracts . <br /> § 6. 1 .4 COSTS OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT INCORPORATED IN THE COMPLETED CONSTRUCTION <br /> . 1 Costs, including transportation, of materials and equipment incorporated or to be incorporated in the <br /> completed construction . <br /> .2 Costs of materials described in the preceding Section 6 . 1 . 4. 1 in excess of those actually installed but <br /> required to provide reasonable allowance for waste and for spoilage. Unused excess materials , if any, <br /> shall be handed over to the Owner at the completion of the Work or, at the Owner' s option, shall be <br /> sold by the Construction Manager ; amounts realized , if any, from such sales shall be credited to the <br /> Owner as a deduction from the Cost of the Work. <br /> § 6.1 . 5 COSTS OF OTHER MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT, TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND RELATED ITEMS <br /> . 1 Costs, including transportation, installation, maintenance, dismantling and removal of materials, <br /> supplies, temporary facilities, machinery, equipment, and hand tools not customarily owned by the <br /> construction workers , which are provided by the Construction Manager at the site and fully consumed <br /> in the performance of the Work; and cost less salvage value on such items if not fully consumed , <br /> whether sold to others or retained by the Construction Manager. Cost for items previously used by the <br /> Construction Manager shall mean fair market value. <br /> AIA Document A121 TmCMc - 2003 and AGC Document 565. Copyright ® 1991 and 2003 by The American Institute of Architects and The Associated <br /> General Contractors of America. All rights reserved. WARNING : This document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. 3 <br /> Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be <br /> prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 17 :00:26 on 05/25/2005 under Order <br /> No. 1000126313_1 which expires on 6/29/2005, and is not for resale. <br /> User Notes : (3163795107) <br />