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A In taking action to prevent threatened damage, injury or loss in case of an emergency affecting the <br /> safety of persons and property, as provided in Section 10 . 6 of A201TM� .A201TM- 1997, as <br /> modified. <br /> .2 in fepai inn of eeFfeeting damaged or- LLoneenfer- ing Work exeeuted by the ('OHntF. . ..60H Tif.. .. . ger <br /> suppliers , <br /> « fe -.. fig UU..rk of a sed by the .. gligenee or- failure to fulfill ., .. : F. .. .- .. ib lits t.. <br /> 11VLLVVLL1Vlllllllb ♦ V1111) LLJ 11Va arY44JV4 V�-GL <br /> Manager,the Owner- set forth ift this agreement ef the Constfuetion Manager of the Gensty-uction Dolanager-' s <br /> of the Constfuction <br /> adequately the Work of the Subeentfaetors or suppliers, and only to the eyclient that thea, enost of Y-epai <br /> § 6 . 1 .9 The costs described in Sections 6 . 1 . 1 through 6 . 1 . 8 shall be included in the Cost of the Work notwithstanding <br /> any provision of AIA or A201TM�1997 A201TM- 1997 , as modified, other Conditions of the Contract which may <br /> require the Construction Manager to pay such costs , unless such costs are excluded by the provisions of Section 6 . 2 . <br /> § 6 .2 COSTS NOT TO BE REIMBURSED <br /> § 6.2. 1 The Cost of the Work shall not include : <br /> . 1 Salaries and other compensation of the Construction Manager' s personnel stationed at the <br /> Construction Manager ' s principal office or offices other than the site office, except as specifically <br /> provided in Sections 6 . 1 . 2. 2 and 6 . 1 . 2 . 3 . <br /> .2 Expenses of the Construction Manager ' s principal office and offices other than the site office, except <br /> as specifically provided in Section 6. 1 . <br /> .3 Overhead and general expenses , except as may be expressly included in Section 6 . 1 . <br /> .4 The Construction Manager ' s capital expenses , including interest on the Construction Manager ' s <br /> capital employed for the Work. <br /> .5 Rental costs of machinery and equipment, except as specifically provided in Section 6 . 1 . 5 . 2 . <br /> .6 Exeep�as ded in Section 6 . 1 . 8 .2, ee ts Costs due to the negligence of the Construction Manager <br /> or to the failure of the Construction Manger to fulfill a specific responsibility to the Owner set forth <br /> in this Agreement. <br /> .7 Costs incurred in the performance of Preconstruction Phase Services . <br /> . 8 Except as provided in Section 6 . 1 . 7 . 1 , any cost not specifically and expressly described in <br /> Section 6 . 1 . <br /> .9 Costs which would cause the Guaranteed Maximum Price to be exceeded . <br /> § 6 .3 DISCOUNTS, REBATES AND REFUNDS <br /> § 6 .3 . 1 Cash discounts obtained on payments .nage by and other cost savings available to the Construction Manager <br /> shall accrue to the Owner if ( 1 ) before making the payment, the Construction Manager =neluded them in an <br /> Applioation for- Payment a has received payment therefor from the Owner during the Owner-, cash discount period <br /> and in sufficient time for the Construction Manager to obtain such discounts , or (2) the Owner has deposited funds <br /> with the Construction Manager with which to make payments ; otherwise , cash discounts shall accrue to the <br /> Construction Manager. Trade discounts, rebates , refunds and amounts received from sales of surplus materials and <br /> equipment shall accrue to the Owner, and the Construction Manager shall make provisions so that they can be <br /> secured . <br /> § 6 .3 .2 Amounts which accrue to the Owner in accordance with the provisions of Section 6. 3 . 1 shall be credited to <br /> the Owner as a deduction from the Cost of the Work. <br /> § 6.4 ACCOUNTING RECORDS <br /> § 6.4. 1 The Construction Manager shall keep full and detailed accounts and exercise such controls as may be <br /> necessary for proper financial management under this Contract; the accounting and control systems shall be <br /> satisfactory to the Owner. The Owner and the Owner ' s accountants shall be afforded access to the Construction <br /> Manager' s records , books, correspondence, instructions, drawings, receipts, subcontracts , purchase orders, vouchers, <br /> memoranda and other data relating to this Project, and the Construction Manager shall preserve these for a period of <br /> three years after final payment, or for such longer period as may be required by law . <br /> AIA Document A121n"CAAc — 2003 and AGC Document 565. Copyright ® 1991 and 2003 by The American Institute of Architects and The Associated <br /> General Contractors of America. All rights reserved. WARNING : This document Is protected by U.S. Copyright Law and International Treaties. 15 <br /> Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this document, or any portion of it, may result In severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be <br /> prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. This document was produced by AIA software at 17 :00 :26 on 05/25/2005 under Order <br /> No. 1000126313_1 which expires on 6/29/2005, and is not for resale. <br /> User Notes : (3163795107) <br />