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t <br /> projects budget based on projected future payment of capacity charges at a rate of one-fifth of the total <br /> reimbursable amount per year (after dedication of the utility to the COUNTY) for a period of five years . <br /> The first one-fifth payment shall be made at the time of the utility dedication to the COUNTY. <br /> Subsequent payments shall be made on the yearly anniversary of the utility dedication. If the amount of <br /> projected capacity charges is not realized, the reimbursement to DEVELOPER shall be reduced <br /> proportionately. Compensation shall be in the form of a check from the COUNTY-the total of all <br /> payments shall not exceed the amount of $244.395 . 70 (see Exhibit B). <br /> The COUNTY's obligation to make reimbursement to DEVELOPER shall expire five (5) years from the <br /> date of this Agreement. <br /> B . 12 inch and 8 inch Water Main along 43`d Avenue from 170' Street SW to 25th Street SW <br /> The DEVELOPER shall furnish and install: <br /> 12 inch water main along 43 `d Avenue from 170i Street SW to 2151 Street SW <br /> 8 inch water main along 43`d Avenue from 21St Street SW to 25 h Street SW <br /> Reimbursement: The COUNTY shall reimburse the DEVELOPER based on an itemized invoice of the <br /> installed material on a complete basis after the above-referenced facilities are dedicated to and accepted <br /> by the COUNTY. The funds to reimburse the DEVELOPER shall derive from other properties (Tripson <br /> Trail Development) based on a 50/50 cost share (attached Exhibit C). Other property owners / developers <br /> outlined in this section shall pay their share at the time of Land Development Permit issuance. The <br /> COUNTY ' s obligation to make reimbursement to DEVELOPER shall expire five (5) years from the date <br /> of this Agreement. <br /> Reimbursement shall be in the form of check from the COUNTY, and shall not exceed the amount of <br /> $ 150 .722.50 (see attached Exhibit C), <br /> C. 12" Diameter Force Main along 170i Street SW from 27th Avenue SW to 35 'h Avenue SW <br /> The DEVELOPER shall furnish and install : <br /> 12" Diameter Force Main along 176 Street SW from 270' Avenue SW to 35" <br /> Avenue SW <br /> Reimbursement: The COUNTY shall reimburse the DEVELOPER pursuant to the provisions of Section <br /> 201 . 11 , The Code of Indian River County, for funds advanced by DEVELOPER to construct facilities in <br /> accordance with the COUNTY ' S Master Plan, less the cost of the DEVELOPER' S front footage line <br /> extension fees as set forth below. The funds to reimburse the DEVELOPER shall derive from the capital <br /> projects budget based on projected future payment of capacity charges at a rate of one-fifth of the total <br /> reimbursable amount per year (after dedication of the utility to the COUNTY) for a period of five years. <br /> The first one-fifth payment shall be made at the time of the utility dedication to the COUNTY. <br /> Subsequent payments shall be made on the yearly anniversary of the utility dedication. If the amount of <br /> projected capacity charges is not realized, the reimbursement to DEVELOPER shall be reduced <br /> proportionately. Compensation shall be in the form of a check from the COUNTY-the total of all <br /> payments shall not exceed the amount of $241 .875 .00 (see Exhibit D). <br /> D . 6" force main along 35 `h Avenue SW from 17th Street SW to Madera Islespropertv line <br /> 2 <br />