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Florida Department of Environmental Protection
Beach Erosian Control Program/Shore Protection Project
Amendment No. 5
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The LOCAL SPONSOR shall develop a detailed Scope of Work for each eligible PROJECT item, as <br /> specified in Table 1 below . It is understood and agreed that the detailed Scope of Work shall include a <br /> narrative description of each task, a corresponding detailed budget and a project schedule . Written <br /> authorization to initiate each eligible project item must be obtained from the DEPARTMENT prior to <br /> the initiation of said item. <br /> 6 . The DEPARTMENT and the LOCAL SPONSOR agree that the estimated costs of the PROJECT are <br /> identified in Table 1 below : <br /> Task # Eligible PROJECT Items Estimated Project Costs <br /> Federal State Local Total <br /> 1 .0 Feasiblity Study <br /> 1 . 11 Environmental Assessment $0 $ 56 , 369 $ 569369 $ 112 ,738 <br /> 1 . 21 Sand and Search Investigation $0 $929848 $929848 $ 1859696 <br /> 1 . 3 Pre-engineering $0 $ 32 ,450 $ 329450 $649900 <br /> Subtotal $0 $ 181 ,667 $ 181 ,667 $363,334 <br /> 2.0 Design and Permitting <br /> 2 . 1 Beach Restoration $0 $501 ,765 $501 ,765 $ 1 ,0039530 <br /> 2 . 2 Habitat Conservation Plan $0 $ 118 , 595 $ 389025 $ 1569620 <br /> 2 . 3 Mitigation Reef $0 $449358 $44 , 358 $ 88 ,716 <br /> Subtotal $0 $6649718 $5849148 $ 192489866 <br /> 3 .0 Construction <br /> 3 . 1 Beach Construction $0 $791419251 $ 198919447 $99032,698 <br /> 3 . 2 Mitigation Reef $0 $ 1 , 313 , 594 $ 299029406 $4 ,2169000 <br /> Subtotal $0 $894549845 $497939853 $ 139248,698 <br /> 4.0 Monitoring <br /> 4 . 1 Beach Monitoring $0 $275 ,000 $2759000 $5509000 <br /> 4 . 2 Mitigation Reef $0 $259000 $ 259000 $509000 <br /> Subtotal $0 $3009000 $3009000 $6009000 <br /> TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $0 $996019230 $5,859,668 $159460,898 <br /> 7 . The DEPARTMENT financial obligation shall not exceed the sum of $9 , 601 , 230 for this PROJECT ; <br /> and the LOCAL SPONSOR shall be reimbursed for the eligible PROJECT items established above in <br /> accordance with the following : for Tasks 1 . 19 1 , 29 1 . 39 2 . 15 2. 39 4 . 1 and 4 . 2, the DEPARTMENT ' s share <br /> shall not exceed 50 percent of the non-federal share , if applicable, whichever is less ; for Task 2 . 2, the <br /> DEPARTMENT ' s share shall not exceed 75 percent of the non-federal share , if applicable, whichever is <br /> less ; for Tasks 3 . 1 and 3 . 2, the DEPARTMENT shall pay 100 percent of the non-federal share for the <br /> construction costs of that portion of the PROJECT located within Sebastian Inlet State Park. For the <br /> remaining Task 3 . 1 and 3 . 2 PROJECT construction costs , the DEPARTMENT ' s share shall not exceed <br /> 50 percent of the non-federal share, if applicable , whichever is less . The DEPARTMENT and the <br /> LOCAL SPONSOR agree that any and all activities associated with the PROJECT that are not shown in <br /> Table 1 are the responsibility of the LOCAL SPONSOR and are not a part of this Agreement. The <br /> LOCAL, SPONSOR agrees that any costs for the specific eligible PROJECT items which exceed the <br /> estimated PROJECT costs for that item shall be the responsibility of the LOCAL SPONSOR. Any <br /> modifications to the estimated TOTAL PROJECT COSTS shall be provided through formal amendment <br /> to this Agreement. <br /> DEP Agreement No . 98IR1 , Amendment No . 5 , Page 2 of 8 <br />
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