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AT TACHMENT A <br /> SCOPE OF SERVICES <br /> Monitoring of Artificial Reefs Located in Indian River County <br /> Introduction <br /> This task is an expansion and enhancement of artificial reef monitoring that began under F42 Segment 15 on a <br /> set of artificial reefs which were constructed under Project #1 , Task #2 of F42-Segment 14 , as a Florida Atlantic <br /> Coast cooperative demonstration. project. <br /> Four reef sites were permitted to Indian River County under ACOE Permit #199700975(GP-TB). The <br /> approximate coordinates of the railroad tie patch reefs are : <br /> North Latitude West Longitude Depth <br /> Permitted Site #2 270 55 .941 ' 800 15 .941 ' 66 feet <br /> Patch Reef 2NW <br /> Permitted Site #3 270 54 .733 ' 800 13 .710 ' 71 feet <br /> Patch Reef 3NW <br /> Permitted Site #4 270 55 .537' 800 12 .733 ' 73 feet <br /> Patch Reef 4NW <br /> Permitted Site #4 270 54 .679 ' 80° 11 .863 ' 72 feet <br /> Patch Reef 4SE <br /> Fish populations will continue to be censused on all four reefs . Each of the four reefs will be surveyed at least <br /> four times during this agreement period (twice in the Spring April-June 2005 , and twice in the fall September- <br /> October 2005), for a total of 16 survey events . For each survey, a pair of divers will collect two sets of data. One <br /> diver will use a JVC underwater digital video camera to record images of fishes along a path extending an <br /> estimated 3 m on either side of each transect line (designated T1 , T2 , and T3), while the second diver will use a <br /> slate to record presence/absence of all species seen , including those not directly on the transects . Each dive will <br /> began with a survey along the complete perimeter ( P ) , followed by surveys along T1 - T3 . A second survey along <br /> T2 will be conducted , with special attention to fishes inhabiting the deepest holes and crevices in the reef. <br /> Repeated surveys of T1 and T3 will be performed if possible , within the 30 minute air/bottom time limitation of <br /> working at depths of 70 feet. <br /> The data collected will allow for calculation of parameters such as species diversity and community diversity. <br /> Size estimates will be collected on fish species of recreational importance . and laser scale guides in <br /> videography will allow for calibration of the diver size estimates . Data will also be collected on the degree of <br /> fishing effort observed at the reef sites during each sampling day. <br /> Data analysis using statistical methods will be difficult due to the small sample size , so it is proposed that if the <br /> assumptions of an Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) such as homogeneity and normality of the data can be met, <br /> then a one-way ANOVA with repeated measures will be used to test for differences in species abundance over <br /> time . If ANOVA assumptions cannot be met, an analogous non- parametric method will be used (Weiner 1971 ) . <br /> Variability of the fish assemblages over time will be evaluated by comparing the mean coefficient of variation for <br /> all species at control and treatment reefs (Seber 1973) . The 'T' method for multiple comparisons among pairs of <br /> means (Zar 1984) will test for significant differences in fish community variability. <br /> The reef monitoring to be funded consists of the following elements: <br /> 1 . Armoximate Project Timeline <br /> a . April-June 2005 : Spring Monitoring and Data Collection (Quantitative Assessment) <br /> Page 8 of 14 <br />