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4 . Funds from this Agreement may not be expended on training , or parts replacement or repairs <br /> to rented or contractor owned equipment. Documentation of expenses and survey reports must be <br /> submitted with the closeout package in order for reimbursement to be made . <br /> PAYMENT SCHEDULE <br /> 5 . For satisfactory completion of the final report and a minimum of 8 monitoring events as <br /> described above , the COMMISSION agrees to pay the GRANTEE a maximum of $ 19 , 245 on a <br /> fee-schedule basis according to the cost per unit in the following table : <br /> 1 Number Cost <br /> Monitoring Event Type of per Unit Total Cost <br /> Events <br /> Fish Census 16 $700 . 00 $ 11 , 200 . 00 <br /> Final report preparation 1 $8 , 045 . 00 $8 , 045 . 00 <br /> ( including data anal sis <br /> TOTAL 9 $19 , 245 . 00 <br /> 6 . The GRANTEE shall be reimbursed by the COMMISSION in the form of a single final payment <br /> for all allowable costs incurred under this Agreement following satisfactory completion of the <br /> project and submission of all required project close out documentation no later than forty-five (45) <br /> days after the ending date of the Agreement. A timely reimbursement request following <br /> completion of actual submittal of the final report is strongly encouraged . <br /> PERFORMANCE <br /> 7 . Any published articles related to this artificial reef activity should reflect the role of the Florida <br /> saltwater fishing license revenues in assisting in the funding of this activity . <br /> LITERATURE CITED <br /> Clifford, H .T . and W . Stephenson . 1975 . An introduction to numerical classification . Academic <br /> Press , New York . 299 pp . <br /> Seber, G .A. 1973 . Estimation of Animal Abundance and Related Parameters . Griffon, London <br /> Weiner, B . J . 1971 . Statistical Principles in Experimental Design . McGraw-Hili , New York. <br /> Zar, J .H . 1984. Biostatistical Analysis. Prentice-Hall , New Jersey. <br /> REST OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br /> Page 10 of 14 <br />