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I <br /> C <br /> BRIDGE REPLACEMENTS AND WIDENING OF 66TH AVENUE <br /> FROM SOUTH OF SR 60 TO 59TH STREET <br /> PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEERING, GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING <br /> AND LAND SURVEYING SERVICES <br /> AMENDMENT NO , 1 TO THE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING/LAND SURVEYING <br /> SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN ARCADIS AND INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, <br /> FLORIDA. <br /> This is an amendment to the existing Engineering/Land Surveying Services Agreement <br /> (AGREEMENT) dated September 6 , 2005 between ARCADIS (ENGINEER) and Indian River <br /> County ( COUNTY) . This amendment addresses changes in " Section I Project Limits and <br /> Description" , " Section III - Scope of Services " , and " Section V - Compensation " . <br /> Amendment Description <br /> This Amendment includes the following : <br /> " SECTION I - PROJECT LIMITS AND DESCRIPTION " is being modified to incorporate <br /> the following : <br /> Consultant services are required for the preparation of surveys ; right- of-way map ; parcel <br /> sketches and legal descriptions ; subsurface geotechnical investigations ; road design plans ; bridge <br /> plans ; permit applications and utility relocations associated with the construction of 66th Avenue <br /> as a 4 lane roadway; also included are intersection improvements at 66th Avenue/49th Street, 66th <br /> Avenue/53rd Street, and 66th Avenue/57th Street located in Indian River County, FL . The <br /> improvements consist of the following : <br /> Expansion of 66'hAvenue (North of 45th Street to 59th Street) <br /> • As a 4 lane divided highway section <br /> Expansion of the intersection at 66'h Avenue & 49th Street, 66th Avenue & 53rd Street, <br /> and 66th Avenue & 57th Street to ultimately include. <br /> • A single left turn lane on the north, south, east and west approaches along with <br /> the existing single through lane movement east and westbound. <br /> The replacement of the existing bridges over the Indian River Farms canal at 49th <br /> Street, 53rd Street, and 57th Street, and the North Relief Canal. <br /> A traffic signal will be designed to accommodate the roadway improvements at the <br /> following intersections: <br /> • 66th Avenue and 26th Street <br /> • 66th Avenue and 41st Street <br /> Pagel of 8 <br /> F : APublic Works\Capital Projects\66th Avenue SR60- 59th St\Arcadis Contract\66 th Ave AmendmentNol - 1 - 17 - <br /> 06 . doc <br />