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NPSP goal <br /> ELM Best Management Practice(s) <br /> Reduction of fertilizer runoff * Reducing in the amount of soluble fertilizers applied to landscape sites. <br /> * Apply iron compounds instead of nitrogen to provide summer green-up <br /> of wrfgrass . <br /> * Apply no more than one pound of nitrogen per one thousand square feet <br /> of landscape area, with <br /> no more than half in soluble forms . <br /> Reduction in yard waste production * Elimination of unnecessary pruning practices. <br /> * Allow turfgrass clippings to remain on the lawn . <br /> Wildlife habitat improvement * Encourage native wildlife by planting food plants in the landscape. <br /> * Remove exotic invasive weed trees which displace native habitats <br /> Additional IFAS personnel hired over a 16-month period will be required to deliver the FYN programming to the <br /> residents and landscape professionals in the East Gifford project area. FYN volunteer Florida Yard Advisers will <br /> also be utilized in presenting some of the programs to the local homeowners, and will provide support for the <br /> follow-up communication necessary for continuity and accountability in the program. <br /> Deliverables and Evaluation: <br /> Deliverables will include the total number of persons attending FYN workshops, the total number of certified yards, <br /> the number of landscape professionals trained in FYN/CLIP principles, and the identified percentage of FYN BMP <br /> practice adoption among program participants . Yard BMP adoption will be measured by OF/IFAS evaluation <br /> instruments already developed. A final education report conveying the evaluation results and deliverables will be <br /> provided to the county for incorporation into the final 319 project report. <br /> Finally, the Gifford Progressive League will contribute in-kind services to educate East Gifford homeowners about <br /> the project with several news articles in its newsletter, distributed several times a year. <br /> REMAINDER OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br /> DEP Agreement No. WM836, Attachment A- 1 , Page 9 of 11 <br />